Hey Dangerous Dave...


Was it you who wuz working on a Mossie for CFS3?

...and do you or does anyone know the story on Jeff's website? (Beaubrummie I think)

cheers :mixed-smiley-010:
Ted (nachtpiloten) recently released an NF MK.II and NF MK.XIII, Dave Boyington had one in the works but I don't think anything has been done in years on it.
Jeff was changing web hosting provider, but hasn't got his site back up yet. Real life pressures, I shouldn't wonder.
dave still has the mosie in fact it was what got him into the universitys elight 3d modeling program ill txt him and tell hime we need it lol
thanx, kids... Did Ted make a new model?
(Just shortening the 'circus stilt' landing gear on the stock MS model would do wonders for meee) :redfire: