Hey Guys NOOBIE here



Hi and Merry Christmas,

I tried this game a few times and came across your website and forums, very nice, I was wondering since I haven't examined all the sections yet but it looks like you have a lot of mods for the cfsm3?

By the way, any recommendation on things to do before i really get into the game? I am trying to find a small printout on all the controls, suggestions?

Help please

I am also new and would love to be able to talk to someone on the phone to walk me through some of these downloads!!
Welcome aboard, demy.

It might depend on which package you bought to get the sim, but you should go though the steps to check the version you have. Usually, you would go to the Microsoft CFS3 website, and get the two needed updates for CFS3. But, as I understand it, some later packages of it, already have the updates added in.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong on that.

The controls...you should have a paper card in the package, with them printed on it...or, in the sim, go to help.

Lol...downloads, or addons...will usually have instructions for installing them.
But, I recommend, if your fairly new to the sim, to take the time to look through the various folders and files in the sim first!!
Start with aircraft first, since that's probably what you'll try to add first. Take note of the various types of files in an aircraft folder. A simple one will show you basicly what should, and should'nt be there. The better you understand the folder/file structure, the easier it will be handling addons.
Hi and Merry Christmas,

I tried this game a few times and came across your website and forums, very nice, I was wondering since I haven't examined all the sections yet but it looks like you have a lot of mods for the cfsm3?

By the way, any recommendation on things to do before i really get into the game? I am trying to find a small printout on all the controls, suggestions?


I am also new and would love to be able to talk to someone on the phone to walk me through some of these downloads!!

:kilroy:Demi1942 and Boomer2212, welcome, newbies.

The first thing is not to get excited.

Yess, there are tons and tons of things to download and install into CFS3. There are even entirely new theaters to install, not only turning the sim into something completely different, but creating completely new installs as well. This will come a bit later.

You have to learn to crawl first, then walk, then before you know it, you will be running full out, and happy as a clam.

Crossram said it first, start with aircraft first.

You will need the two CFS3 Updates, 3.1 and 3.1a. Get them here: http://www.microsoft.com/Games/combatfs3/

Crossram is mainly right that some of the newer game packs have the 3.1 Update already in them. I haven't run across any yet that have both.

SOH has quite a few downloads. Just have a look-see.

The best downloads can be found here:


http://www.regshanger.com/ (all the old Groundcrew stuff is here)

You can also find a lot of downloads here (mostly older stuff, though): http://www.simviation.com/

...and here: http://www.avsim.com/

When you feel you are ready to really move up in the world of CFS3, you may want to get CFS3 ETO Expansion and PTO Solomons. These are add-on stand-alone sims and can be had here: http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showcat=10

There were other stand-alone add-on sims out there: MAW and Korean Skies (Korean War).

MAW, as I understand it, is temporarily unavailable.

The original site for PTO and Korean sites is no longer viable, but PTO can be found at the Aussiex site I mentioned above, and Korean Skies can be found at Simviation, already mentioned above as well.

If you ever need any help at all, please come here first. Someone will give you a hanmd.

I hope this helps.:d
One more general thought on downloads/addons, before you try to add anything to the sim.

NEVER un-zip a download directly into the sim.

The file system in CFS3 if somewhat complex, in many cases one file reading info off of another. Walk before you run, and you'll have less problems in CFS3.

On your computer, you need a folder to download new files (zips) to, and another folder to un-zip those files to. Once their un-zipped, then you can see what is there, and correctly install the folders/files into CFS3.