Hey OleBoy..

Oh hey Warhorse.
...I forgot all about that coming this year. I missed it last year!!

Not sure if I can make it or not, but I will mark the date on the calendar and hope things work out.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention
Looks to be a nice show. I just hope the weather is nice. Never fails (this time of year) the weather is not the greatest. My camera and I want a good show with plenty of sunshine

Edit; I just told the wife I was going. This weekend is fathers day. It's my weekend
Looks like we're going tomorrow, Father's Day. :pop4: It's raining buckets this morning, so it will likely affect attendance and the performances. Drats..:isadizzy:

Agreed. Doing the same here. I looked at the weather report last night. Tomorrow is said to be clear(er) skies. I hate to say it, but the weather is typical.
Sad to say, but this AM it was drowning the area with so much water I didn't even consider going.

I missed it.....again

Thanks a lot mother nature
It's okay. Got a lot of pics, anyways.

We got there early to get good parking, and some good photos before the crowd. We were hoping it would clear up as promised, but no joy. Spent some time in the beer garden staying dry.

There were two Hornets there. Only one took off for the demo flight, but it appears he had some issues. See my post in the Newshawks forum.

We left sooner than we wanted. The wife was getting frozen due to the wind and rain. Had to buy her a late lunch to thaw her out.

