Hi All

Hi All,

Was talking to a few RC guys about the RC specific flight sims they use to practice over the winter when they can't fly. I thought of the AvH 1% planes & thought I would stop in to see How they have held up over time.

Bear, AVH work is among the best, Period!!
I use your work often..
Thank You..
The AVH group work is and remains to me a true blessing..
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Hi All,

Was talking to a few RC guys about the RC specific flight sims they use to practice over the winter when they can't fly. I thought of the AvH 1% planes & thought I would stop in to see How they have held up over time.


Greetings, Maestro! I am flying the 5gb spitfire from AvH today! So they are definitely not forgotten. A huge debt is owed to AvH for all the terrific planes, all the care given to flight models. However the AvH planes even the earlier versions, also had much better cockpit mpodels and textures than the originals. Hence the 5gb Spit I'm flying.

Have you seen how beautiful the original textures look with an LCD screen and a modern computer/video card? The eye candy of CFS3 seems to be unlocked 10 years after the original was realeased!

Great that you dropped by, we miss you!

Hello BEAR, it's been a while but it's good to hear from you again! Still at the Tae Kwon-Do? The 1% flight models are still the best we have, it would be great if some more were being built.

Don't be a stranger! :)
Hi All,

Was talking to a few RC guys about the RC specific flight sims they use to practice over the winter when they can't fly. I thought of the AvH 1% planes & thought I would stop in to see How they have held up over time.


Welcome back Bear, Just got back in with the bunch after being out for awhile myself. Now I'm back
in full of mission ideas,(and other things,lol) and hope your around when I start putting this new stuff
out and maybe give it a spin!

Wyld45/ Bill Wyld
Hi Bear - good to know you're well, around and still flying one way or another!

I'll second what they say above about the flight models - we've tweaked a few here and there to represent different engine types, etc, etc, but without the AvHistory work, we'd still be where the SF2 guys are today... Hoping for the best.

It would be great to see you back...

Any news about Gregory?
BEAR.......your stuff was the backbone to so much of what CFS3 became......many thanks....they're still flapping away as usual!
Gregory suddenly dropped off the world. Mathias posted me a while back to see if I could reach him but it was a no-go. Have retired from active TKD as a 3rd degree BB, knees started to pack it in. Still do the Poomse (kata) to stay loose.

Airplanes are mostly RC now with occasional AT-6 & PT-17 full scale flights to get upside down for a while. :) Experimental stuff to keep life interesting is beta testing for a 3rd party high performance auto electronics & parts company.

Nice to hear from all of you & hope all is well with everybody.

EDIT fixed type font
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Im new to CFS3 but really love your work just amazing I fly them all the time..
Every site that has CFS3 mentioned always talk about your 1% planes..
Welcome back! The 4.0 FM is still the gold standard in my book. Did they all get released? Always wanted to see an early Spit and Fw 190A.
I am not sure. Had a hard drive go away so I don't know what was lost. Will see what I still have around. If someone has a place I can dump stuff off too send me a PM. Could be dups of what was out or maybe some unpublished stuff.