Members +
Hi everyone.
First time in this forum and few words to introduce myself & my way of flying in FSX.
I come from Greece, I'm 40+, and my first experience with FSX was one year ago.
Before that, I was flying for years IL2-1946. I'm in the Military flying though not a
hardcore combat simmer.
At the moment I flew over Photoreal Greece in FSX, this simulator became my exclusive
flight simulator...
The "problem" with FSX for me was that I couldn't do anything more in FSX than just flying
my favourite planes from here to there (Free Flight). I do certainly want to be able of doing much
more things in FSX with the militaries that I exclusively fly or else I feel that simulation is incomplete...
"Militaries in FSX should be able of doing their job !..." is my moto.
To accomplish this, ie be able to interact with FSX virtual environment, I engaged myself in FSX Mission building.
After one year of mission building & increasing my "Know How" in this activity, Mission flying in FSX is the only &
exclusive way I fly in the sim. The weapon solution I use for my Military flying is Captain Sim's Weapon.
With this combination - FSX Military Missions plus Weapon for FSX - I can virtually simulate any Military Scenario took
place in aviation history, since FSX has the whole world & all the airplanes !...
Very recently, I discovered the free "Vietnam War Project" searching for a virtual environment to fly my F-4E by Milviz
in a combat operations way. The scenery is very immersive & default FSX environment very good for this part of the world.
So suddenly, I "discovered" myself in a "sim in sim" situation : flying Vietnam War Missions in FSX, with my most favourite
2nd generation jets (F-4, A-7 and alike - I'm a vintage flyer, no flybywire guy...) :
Da Nang AirBase
My current video playlist of Vietnam FSX Flying, you may see over here : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7e3lFzD82xeJ25bMx5DqoVuihu4RcNwl
Currently I'm in the process of "populating" areas of interest with target objects for FSX Military Operations over there...
I'd really like to hear your opinion & feedback about this.
Cheers !
First time in this forum and few words to introduce myself & my way of flying in FSX.
I come from Greece, I'm 40+, and my first experience with FSX was one year ago.
Before that, I was flying for years IL2-1946. I'm in the Military flying though not a
hardcore combat simmer.
At the moment I flew over Photoreal Greece in FSX, this simulator became my exclusive
flight simulator...
The "problem" with FSX for me was that I couldn't do anything more in FSX than just flying
my favourite planes from here to there (Free Flight). I do certainly want to be able of doing much
more things in FSX with the militaries that I exclusively fly or else I feel that simulation is incomplete...
"Militaries in FSX should be able of doing their job !..." is my moto.
To accomplish this, ie be able to interact with FSX virtual environment, I engaged myself in FSX Mission building.
After one year of mission building & increasing my "Know How" in this activity, Mission flying in FSX is the only &
exclusive way I fly in the sim. The weapon solution I use for my Military flying is Captain Sim's Weapon.
With this combination - FSX Military Missions plus Weapon for FSX - I can virtually simulate any Military Scenario took
place in aviation history, since FSX has the whole world & all the airplanes !...
Very recently, I discovered the free "Vietnam War Project" searching for a virtual environment to fly my F-4E by Milviz
in a combat operations way. The scenery is very immersive & default FSX environment very good for this part of the world.
So suddenly, I "discovered" myself in a "sim in sim" situation : flying Vietnam War Missions in FSX, with my most favourite
2nd generation jets (F-4, A-7 and alike - I'm a vintage flyer, no flybywire guy...) :
Da Nang AirBase
My current video playlist of Vietnam FSX Flying, you may see over here : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7e3lFzD82xeJ25bMx5DqoVuihu4RcNwl
Currently I'm in the process of "populating" areas of interest with target objects for FSX Military Operations over there...
I'd really like to hear your opinion & feedback about this.
Cheers !