Hi-def Grass


Charter Member 2011
OK everyone made a fuss of Pablo's wonderful cloud textures.
But I had a look at the grass in that pack, and I rate it one of the best around!


This is one of the last areas in MSFS that needs attention.
When I installed Pablo's clouds I also popped in the grass textures.

Took a while to get used to them , but they're staying now :applause:


FS2004 (ACOF) - Misc.
FS2004 HDE - High Definition Environment
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Name: hde.zip Size: 20,185,381 Date: 09-24-2009 Downloads: 5,671
FS2004 HDE - High Definition Environment. High definition and photorealistic texture pack that will change the aspect of your clouds (cumulus, strat

Is that a contrail I see over the wing of your "Chaika"? Did I miss a memo on ground-visible contrails in FS?? I have seen the ones at altitude, but have never seen them from the ground ....

Good comments on this grass - must have, for sure.

I've never noticed not seeing contrails from the ground!
I'll have to be more attentive...

In this instance, though, an airshow practice was taking place in the background ;)

You can get some truly evil effects when messing with grass textures - here's a range of them, Pablo's one is left