Hi from a newbie


Charter Member
  1. Greetings Fellow Simmers!

    Just recently retired and joined SOH and wanted to say a few things. I've been "simming" for a several years now but have just started to dig into it and feel it pulse through my veins like an addiction.:a1310: It's frustrating at times, as we all know, but it has brought me more enjoyment than I can describe to you. This is actually the first forum I've ever participated in, so if I do something wrong, have patience ( I'm technologically challenged). I wanted to thank all the developers and advisors and websites and who-have-you, who make this such an awesome hobby. Although you people enjoy it, the hard work and the hours that you invest should be acknowledged and appreciated, for without you, there wouldn't be people like me. I'm not a pilot, all of you should be grateful for that, but FS has given me the chance to experience what it must be like. I'm currently running FS2004 on a semi-high-octane rig (4.4 ghz), although I do have FSX on the bookshelf for now. I was wondering if there is information out there anywhere . . . books, articles, that explain aircraft air configurations for FS9. I realize I'm starting late, it seems much of the focus is toward FSX these days, but I haven't been able to find anything in my countless searches--at least not anything close to being comprehensive. I just want to be able to understand the guts of the beast a bit. I may be getting in over my gills, but I thought I'd take a look. Thx and glad to be aboard.!!

August 22nd, 2015, 16:04
Welcome aboard!

First off, I've moved your post to the main FS2004 (also known as FS9) forum, since the Tips & Tweaks section is more for advice giving - although several threads have wound up there after questions were answered. A great example is the most recent addition, which is the Win 10 thread. It started here, garnered some really good info, then got moved.

As for "how to," I don't know of any single publication such as "FS2004 for Dummies," but feel free to ask any question you have here. If your question is performance related, be sure to include your system specs. Most of us here on this board have been using FS9 since it came out on 29 July 2003, so we pretty much know it inside and out. And remember, "The only stupid question is the one you don't ask!"
"I was wondering if there is information out there anywhere . . . books, articles, that explain aircraft air configurations for FS9."

I'm not quite sure what you are referring to when you say "aircraft air configurations".

If you are looking for an explanation of the contents of the aircraft.cfg file that is a part of each aircraft folder, Google "aircraft.cfg file" and one of the links will take you to Microsoft's explanation of each term of the file.

If you are looking for an explanation of the contents of the .air file that is ALSO a part of each aircraft folder, there are tutorials available at some of the flight sim sites on the web (avsim,simviation and flightsim; all .com's).
Go there and SEARCH for ".air file tutorial". Or, again, you might Google the same term and see what turns up.

Have fun !!
Maybe articles/books from Captain Mike Ray are of interest to you.
All his work is written with a sense of humor, making it fun to read. (be aware, thy can become addictive, :victorious:)

I have all his articles, and several book, and I keep coming back to them frequently.

Look here:

Specially the $1 download section has some very interesting articles,

10% discount on your purchase, every Tuesday
Hi, and welcome!

Others have cited lots of good references, but since you're new at his I suspect you might be looking for something more basic. The download sites have tutorials ranging from the most basic, like how to install downloaded scenery and aircraft, to how to build your own planes and scenery with the latest software.

I suggest that you go to FlightSim.com (
http://www.flightsim.com/) and select Articles from the menu bar near the top of the page. Select Tutorials from the drop-down menu. You'll see the most recent ones first and they're highly technical, meant for experienced developers, but if you go to the last page and work forwards, you'll find the basic stuff that a new simmer needs. I think that's the stuff you're looking for.

And of course, always feel free to ask questions here in this forum.
Microsoft no longer host them...

You might be shocked to discover that the links still work if you have them...

Edit: I tested the first four and the 9.1 link, but I'm fairly confident in the rest.


  • fs9links.txt
    2 KB · Views: 0
Thank You!

Welcome aboard!

First off, I've moved your post to the main FS2004 (also known as FS9) forum, since the Tips & Tweaks section is more for advice giving - although several threads have wound up there after questions were answered. A great example is the most recent addition, which is the Win 10 thread. It started here, garnered some really good info, then got moved.

As for "how to," I don't know of any single publication such as "FS2004 for Dummies," but feel free to ask any question you have here. If your question is performance related, be sure to include your system specs. Most of us here on this board have been using FS9 since it came out on 29 July 2003, so we pretty much know it inside and out. And remember, "The only stupid question is the one you don't ask!"

Thx for the welcome, Tom, and for moving my post to where it belongs. It's also comforting to know that I can get answers to my question when I have them. Someone should compile all their knowledge and write a book--post it on Amazon--I wonder if it would sell?

Thanks Everyone.

Thanks for all the responses, people. :adoration: I'll chase after them and see what I can find out. The suggestions will keep me busy for awhile and it's good to know if I get frustrated I can turn to those who know what they're doing! I'll surf this site a bit more too, see if I can get my posts in the right spot next time!!
