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From UK with a big interest in technical history including historic aircraft and authentic recreations of them. I discovered this forum after finding and reading Jan Visser's thread on the work he is currently doing for the DC-3 so I decided to join up. He has put up some excellent screenshots.

I've been fascinated by flight simulators before they even came out (I used to draw controls on the end-papers of books when I was little). My first simulator was the Psion Flight Simulator for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum micro-computer back in 1985, and have since tried many others including Microsoft's from FS4 onward, Flight Unlimited, Fly!, DCS and now Prepar3d. I've just finished getting all my A2A aircraft working in P3D v3, and am now considering what scenery enhancements to get.

Nice to find another community and keep track on what's happening!

Welcome Jason! Glad to see you can post now:wavey:

Yes, thanks for the help.

I forgot to mention CFS, CFS2 and CFS3 also. I had some great multiplayer fun in CFS back in the late 90s.

I see you have a connection to EGCD Woodford - the aerospace airport. A great pity that closed. Always sad to lose the railway and airports part of our heritage, I think. I'm from Sheffield myself, but know the Manchester airports well, using EGCC as a lot, and also having trained at EGCB on 150s and 152s. Sheffield also had its own airport for a while - been there a couple of times. It was a nice little hop on a GA from EGCB to Sheffield. Also now gone. The future looked bright back then.

EGCD is presently being bulldozed to make way for a large housing development and all the old factory is now in heaps as are most of the runways. Such a shame.