High-End gaming visuals settings


Charter Member
OK...I have the beta installer for the high-performance high-detail visuals for high-end rigs in .zip packages....0ne for 32 bit Windows and one for 64 bit windows. I am waiting for my access code for the server, and I will get them uploaded. They are all inclusive replacement files for your assets folder in the EtO expansion. The only other thing you will need to do is run your cfs3configuration and follow the page by page settings as shown below. The files we changed from default are maked with yellow hash oin the in the installers. tab marks. Back up stock .xmlzs are included in the zip files.

Ok...while waiting for server access...if you want a set of the tweaked settings..email me at rikwattsw04@yahoo.com and I'll send the tweaked .xmls to modify your system with, The config utility guide will be attached to the email from me with the xmls. be sure to back up your old xml file before modifying them.
For those of you with the real big guns out there...GTX280, GTX285, GTX275 etxc or at least 2x8800GTX or 2x9800GTX or ATI HD4XXX I don't know the ATI numbers....but our friend Major Magee was kind enough to share some system crashing extreme ring settings....and i do mean extreme...I recomend you have no less than than $650 in video cards and another $175 in dual core or better CPUs....minimum 4GB system RAM and a whopping cooling system and PSU....to attemtp to use the settings. They are very nice to look at and have extremely high majordensities.....if you have a warhammer gaming PC....give them a try....just go to your ETO/assets folder, right click the compositeterraintexturebudgets or compositescenerybudgets .xmls, edit to open, and adjust the matching lines in your files. Be sure to back them up prior to making chages. Then go to the ETO/terrains folder, and delete the scenery.zx and terraindata.zx files. Make sure your sliders are all on 5

<Budget Name="Five">
<Rings AboveGroundLevel="0" MaxDistEyeInnerRing="0">
<Ring PatchWorldDim="4096" RingDim="11" LOD="17" MajorDensity="0.00004"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="2048" RingDim="13" LOD="17" MajorDensity="0.00008"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="1024" RingDim="23" LOD="17" MajorDensity="0.00018"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="512" RingDim="23" LOD="20" MajorDensity="0.00045"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="256" RingDim="19" LOD="70" MajorDensity="0.00065"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="128" RingDim="15" LOD="250" MajorDensity="0.00065"/>

<Budget Name="Five">
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="16384" ImageQuality="25"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="8192" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="4096" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="2048" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="1024" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="512" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="256" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="128" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="64" ImageQuality="0"/>
<Rings AboveGroundLevel="0" MaxDistEyeInnerRing="0">
<Ring PatchWorldDim="16384" RingDim="7" MinMaskRadius="49152"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="8192" RingDim="7" MinMaskRadius="24576"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="4096" RingDim="7" MinMaskRadius="12228"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="2048" RingDim="11" MinMaskRadius="10240"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="1024" RingDim="17" MinMaskRadius="8192"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="512" RingDim="17" MinMaskRadius="4096"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="256" RingDim="17" MinMaskRadius="2048"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="128" RingDim="15" MinMaskRadius="896" DetailTileCount="16"/>
i have , one might call ,,,, trial runner on most of his settings in last week

other than terrdata i have crows , set in , and rest rouges ,,,,,i have no/ suttering and great , visuals ...so try it out

joshua / loverboy1
excellent update rouge many thanks .... i followed it and downloaded as is , nice ////

unless im blind its fantastic ... and should :ernae:be in next upload or update for ETO ...pending approval and all form the ETO team .

many tks ....excellent and thanks

Download and put in to 1.20 look good on my midrange pc and video card. Have not set the clouds up yet.
Yes Crow....you've seen these, and you've seen these with the minmaskradius adjustments also....don't worry buddy....you and Loverboy will be the first to know if I get it looking any better than this....:ernae:

Loverboy...thank you for that terrific reference..have you tried the last ones I sent you yet?
There should be an update to the downloads soon, much smaller in size. It will hopefully smooth out the shimmering between the levels of detail, and provide a little more gain on the detail quality and the performance. I just saw that the files are being downloaded by a good number of users, and I welcome and encourage feedback from those who give them a try.....

Flyer01....setting back the clouds scale is not a requirement at all...but it makes a considerable improvement in frame rates and still generates some really beautiful clouds to get flipped ass over tea kettle in....... If you would, posting your system specs (CPU/GPU/RAM/OS at the least, clocks, tweaks, etc if you want) and average FPS you are seeing would be appreciated. I'd like to get an idea how other rigs are doing with these, it will help with future updates.....

Thank you, glad you are enjoying them.

PS.... best way to get through heavy cloud formations.... "throttle to the firewall, both hands on stick.. knuckles white, eyes clenched tightly, buttocks: refer to eyes, deep breath and hold it.....wait for wingman to give "OK to look now" signal, and pray you have time to recover...." works for me every time...
For those of you with the real big guns out there...GTX280, GTX285, GTX275 etxc or at least 2x8800GTX or 2x9800GTX or ATI HD4XXX I don't know the ATI numbers....but our friend Major Magee was kind enough to share some system crashing extreme ring settings....and i do mean extreme...I recomend you have no less than than $650 in video cards and another $175 in dual core or better CPUs....minimum 4GB system RAM and a whopping cooling system and PSU....to attemtp to use the settings. They are very nice to look at and have extremely high majordensities.....if you have a warhammer gaming PC....give them a try....just go to your ETO/assets folder, right click the compositeterraintexturebudgets or compositescenerybudgets .xmls, edit to open, and adjust the matching lines in your files. Be sure to back them up prior to making chages. Then go to the ETO/terrains folder, and delete the scenery.zx and terraindata.zx files. Make sure your sliders are all on 5

<Budget Name="Five">
<Rings AboveGroundLevel="0" MaxDistEyeInnerRing="0">
<Ring PatchWorldDim="4096" RingDim="11" LOD="17" MajorDensity="0.00004"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="2048" RingDim="13" LOD="17" MajorDensity="0.00008"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="1024" RingDim="23" LOD="17" MajorDensity="0.00018"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="512" RingDim="23" LOD="20" MajorDensity="0.00045"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="256" RingDim="19" LOD="70" MajorDensity="0.00065"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="128" RingDim="15" LOD="250" MajorDensity="0.00065"/>

<Budget Name="Five">
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="16384" ImageQuality="25"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="8192" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="4096" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="2048" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="1024" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="512" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="256" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="128" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="64" ImageQuality="0"/>
<Rings AboveGroundLevel="0" MaxDistEyeInnerRing="0">
<Ring PatchWorldDim="16384" RingDim="7" MinMaskRadius="49152"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="8192" RingDim="7" MinMaskRadius="24576"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="4096" RingDim="7" MinMaskRadius="12228"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="2048" RingDim="11" MinMaskRadius="10240"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="1024" RingDim="17" MinMaskRadius="8192"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="512" RingDim="17" MinMaskRadius="4096"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="256" RingDim="17" MinMaskRadius="2048"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="128" RingDim="15" MinMaskRadius="896" DetailTileCount="16"/>

hi rouge, what about using this settings with just a 9800GTX but with a overclocked GPU?
Hey Rouge, does this setting you use cure that "bad shimmering" you were getting?
I updated my NVidia driver tonight, and now I have this shimmering crap. I tried the settings you emailed me but I still have it. I'm not sure if you are using those same ones since they are from a ways back.