High-end PC visuals settings for ETO Expansio


Charter Member
does anyone have a link or know where this file has gone ...many tks ,,,to any that can direct me

High-end PC visuals settings for ETO Expansion
Self installing files for the terrain textures and scenery in ETO expansion, with configuration utility settings to improve the overall quality and depth of the visuals. Reccomend minimum dual core CPU, 512Mb high-end PCI-e graphics, 4Mb RAM.​
Download - eto-perf_visuals_32bit.zip (
I have it in , but need a re fresher version .... since recent crash ....

its somewhere cant locate hoping is in the archives somewhere .... maybe grizz...can re load it

I have it in , but need a re fresher version .... since recent crash ....

its somewhere cant locate hoping is in the archives somewhere .... maybe grizz...can re load it


hey guys wouldn't it be over at AussieX website? All the other ETO stuff is over there? Edit- its certainly well worth having! don't forget von Oben's stuff is even fresher!