Highly important


Charter Member
Guys, we have to remove the ETO link from SOH. The traffic at Korean Skies is what's been causing the problems here at SOH. The suggestion is a DVD swap. It has to do with the size of the file. mid

The following is from Ickie and Canelo Kid

""Ickie and the service company have found our slow down and crash problem at Korean Skies.


1.17 GB's

Over 400 gigs alone have been used by this file this month so we had to limit the bandwidth for Korean Skies. The file really needs to be removed and made available on a DVD.

Our logs show as many as 20 people downloading this file at a time and it was sucking us dry. Unfortunately this had a snowball effect and caused the threads and posts tables to become corrupt and backups and repairs just kept cycling until the database and site crashed.

This means all our backups are corrupt and useless, bottom line is there is a 90% chance the two tables can not be restored.

The massive file will be left on the server for two weeks then deleted, this gives the CFS3 people time to setup an DVD exchange program....NOTE: CFS3 Moderators! please start this process.

Note: all Moderators, you may want to make a post in your forum about the crash.

Last: This was unavoidable and happened, so don't let people beat us up over it, at times you got to just move on and forget a bad experience.
Please set it up in another site if possible. I will appreciate it very much Middle.Do not worry! I will not buy a gun and shot you. We still CARE about you!:ernae:
They setup a DVD swap.To setup a new site will probably cost money so for now DVD swap is the best way to go.

I hate to even mention this but there is another solution, cough, torrent, cough.:icon31:
No need to "cough" on this. This is exactly the kind of legitimate use that bittorrent was designed for. No need to send DVDs around the world in the... ugh... mail... like it's 1999 or something. :)

I'd seed the file, but I don't have it. But all you need is someone who has the file to upload the .torrent file and run a client like utorrent to seed it.

No need to "cough" on this. This is exactly the kind of legitimate use that bittorrent was designed for. No need to send DVDs around the world in the... ugh... mail... like it's 1999 or something. :)

It was made for MAW and it worked, why don't try it for ETO ?

Cheers and have always good flying

Another vote for torrent.....also chances of corrupt downloads is minimal with torrent.....and is much better and cheaper than DVD swap.