I know what you mean! It took me a while to figure it out too!
Eventually I figured out that images are "maps" in SBuilder9. Just click on the "Map" button and then left-click anywhere on the white area. Then just right-click to exit the mode.
Next the map is "calibrated" using a simple text file using the top-left and bottom-right corner of the map. The format of the text file is this:
That's all you need to calibrate. DON'T USE THE FUNCTION IN THE PROGRAM. Just make a text file ahead of time with the lat/lon information from ADE and then place the text file in the same folder as the image/map you will be using. That way all you need to do when the "calibrate" dialog comes up is just hit "OK" and you're done. One thing I do is add a comment with ";" in front of the line where I write down the ARP coordinates. I can then use this as a reference for the "class grid" option in the dialog when I'm creating and saving the file. Mine look something like this:
; Bir Hassan, Beirut, Lebanon
; North: 33.883333333
; South: 35.483333333
The text file with the info MUST-MUST-MUST have the same name as the "map" or image that you are going to use. If the image is "Iwakuni_Map_1940.bmp" then the text file MUST also have "Iwakuni_Map_1940.txt" as the name.
Also notice the placement of the "West" before the "East" in the format. That's because it's, "top, bottom, left, right," limits of the image/map and not necessarily any particular coordinate. You get a better idea of this when you use any of the grid lines (such as "F3" for the LOD13 lines).
My best advise to make this work is to make sure you have the corners of the map image from ADE using the crosshair helpers and then copy the coordinates to the text file you will use for the SBuilder9 map/image. Then use those same numbers to reload the image in ADE by checking the coordinate dialog check-box. If you look at the layout of the coordinates there, they are the same as above. The top-left box is "North," the bottom left is "South," the top-right is "West," and the bottom-right is "East."
NOTE: Remember that if you have to rotate the image in ADE, you have to edit/rotate the image by the same amount in a graphics editor and then reload into ADE and do the process all over again for sizing.
As for the map images in SBuilder9, the regular image map is the one you just place for reference. It MUST-MUST-MUST be in 24-bit format. I just save it again by opening and saving with the imagetool program in the FS2004 SDK after I do al the things I need to do to it for ADE.
The landclass maps/images MUST-MUST-MUST be in 32-bit format, though I don't use those a much unless I'm trying to regress an entire area.
I've never used any of the mesh functions since I've never messed with mesh. Rhumflabby's done more than enough with those!
I can send you some stuff I've already done if you want to get a better idea of how to get the maps to work. Just remember that when you are in "edit" mode it remains in that mode until you change the mode manually in the ribbon (Edit drop-down) or you right-click anywhere on the map. Once you right-click you are done with the mode you were in. It's a little different than most programs, but after a while you get used to it.
Thanks for all the wonderful scenery over the years! If there's anything I can do to help just drop me an e-mail.