HJG is building a Gulfstream II

I have always liked the Gulfstream series. The company I worked for had several G-IV's in the fleet, one of my workmates flew the G-IV...:ernae:
I've wanted a GII for awhile. It's really good to see someone making one, other than the AI one that's available.
Those guys over at HJG have been having a ball with "guess what the next plane is". :gossip: I'm not at all sure it'll be a GII. An earlier post mentioned possible problems with Grumman. Looking at the original pic, I'm still of the opinion she'll be an early DC-9.

Whatever she is, from HJG, I'll be happy.:jump:

I've just learned that HJG is not building a G-II after all. :frown: Oh well, it was a nice dream while it lasted. :redface:
