Hmm - German planes at a disadvantage?



I am enjoying OFF3 a lot. The scenery/terrain is excellent and Quick combat flights I've had show worthwhile efforts have been made regarding AI.
One thing struck me right away and that was that some of the German planes
- DR1 and Alb Dv and particularly the Pfalz - seem to be unduly labouring in agility and speed against british and french counterparts.\

Then i saw that the RPMs of these planes were not reaching their specs levels.
The DR1 was not getting to 1100 flat out ( spec 1200 ); Alb DV was nowhere near 1400 spec, nor the pfalz whose spec is 1440.
No wonder the AI are outstripping them in speed and height to the extent they are.
Is it possible to get these engines revving to spec and therefore a bit more speed?

I am enjoying OFF3 a lot. The scenery/terrain is excellent and Quick combat flights I've had show worthwhile efforts have been made regarding AI.
One thing struck me right away and that was that some of the German planes
- DR1 and Alb Dv and particularly the Pfalz - seem to be unduly labouring in agility and speed against british and french counterparts.\

Then i saw that the RPMs of these planes were not reaching their specs levels.
The DR1 was not getting to 1100 flat out ( spec 1200 ); Alb DV was nowhere near 1400 spec, nor the pfalz whose spec is 1440.
No wonder the AI are outstripping them in speed and height to the extent they are.
Is it possible to get these engines revving to spec and therefore a bit more speed?


There is no intentional built in bias at all in OFF I can assure you.

Once we have completed 1.2 which addresses the 'major issues' - we will look into reports like this and reports of how folks are finding 1.2 once its out and take a view on these, what I call, 'softer' issues for patch 1.3


Also please make sure you are adjusting the fuel mixture to get full rpm with altitude etc.

But I will look at this too.

Thanks for caring, Fortiesboy,
if it should turn out to be wrong, and Winder gets it adjusted, fine. I wouldn't complain about even better planes.
But I assure you - I haven't missed much performance so far. I know, how to fly my Albatros versions, and think, I'm doing fine (shooting everything into pieces - lol!)
Cheers; Olham
Actually there is no "bias" but rather each craft was designed to be as per it's known design, and feel also based on flight reports and test flights of captured or replicas etc.

The German craft ARE heavier on the controls generally. Germans make great war machines, British make great flying machines.

I spent a lot of time on the feel of the craft.

Comments from the time from British test pilots of captured german craft like the Alb /Pflaz were they were a lot heavier on controls and the German pilots must have had nice muscles ;)

The German craft are certainly not at a disadvantage. N11? very nimble, light, but 188 rounds (and in reality 97 only then fly away to reload!), only 1 gun. DII, less nimble DII tougher, 2 guns 1000 rounds full on... Mmmmm.

The RPM issue has already been noted, and we are looking at already. But generally the craft are performing well.
I think it may just be a mis-match between the information on the guages and the actual performance - I have noticed this for most of the a/c in OFF Phase 3. It probably just needs the guages tweaking in some way (?) to display the correct full rpm for that particular engine.

I think it may just be a mis-match between the information on the guages and the actual performance - I have noticed this for most of the a/c in OFF Phase 3. It probably just needs the guages tweaking in some way (?) to display the correct full rpm for that particular engine.


I suspect the same - we will look.



The albatros wasn't exactly nimble but they had good performance and were superior until the new allied planes came out. You are right about the Dr1 though I think. It doesn't turn as tight as a camel or a noop and the AI isn't very good with it in a turn fight, they die easy. I dunno about the rpms though. The Dr1 doesn't seem to lose much speed in a manuever.
All the planes I've been on seem to be hitting max speed. Dunno about the rpms but if the speed matches expected performance would it make much difference in the sim?
The "Germans at a disadvantage" was a bit tongue in cheek, ( I'm not really suggesting a real biased attitude by the Devs:) ) -in order to highlight the fact that the german planes cannot reach max revs.
Whether they are reaching maximum speed or not is difficult to read dials-wise, but it is certainly my experience that in the first few minutes of a dogfight, planes of the same or better performance cannot match speed or climb of the AI., until some way into the fight. They are always "just out of reach"
Now it may be a ploy to make up for the fact that the AI aren't as clever as humans ( although much better than phases 1 or 2 ) in order to prolong the encounter, but it is a bit frustrating when your flying skills are in vain because you cannot get enough from your machine.
Fair enough if you have an inferior machine- much like you would expect if an Eindecker met a Camel, say, or a bomber trying to outfly a fighter- but when you have a superior or equal machine, it should convey that.

I would add that I fly full realistic - Ace on Ace - with only labels on time to time.

Don't get me wrong on this - still a hell of a sim. ! Which i am enjoying very much.
No problem FB, just trying to explain how it is. And we do spend a lot of time looking at these things.

RPM we will look at, but performance isn't too bad at altitudes at all, and Allied have the same rpm effects etc too.

Now, AI v Player is a different question
We have several improvments in 1.2 as we mentioned, but AI does seem to be less prone to effects the player does. CFS3 thing, but we are working on it...
Thanks Pol. Still the same excellent support as in phases 1 and 2. other sims devs - take note!
Pol: Germans make great war machines, British make great flying machines.

I think, this fits it quite well, in one sentence. Now you all need to make the best of your advantages, and avoid to perform your disadvantages. Simple - in theory (Lol!)
The Alb DVa in P3 seems a little sluggish compared to P2, but I'm flying her with more fuel, needed for longer missions, so I think that has a large effect on my perceived differences. Otherwise, she is making the same speed in level flight, though I agree that the engine revs sound less than in P2. (I'm flying auto mixture, so that's not it) I do note on take-off if I climb out straight at a constant climb (constant speed of 86 knots) that around 1000' AGL, I hear the engine throttle back automatically. The throttle still says 100% but it sure does sound like it drop a few hundred revs.
Again, I highly recommend petrol/tank management to all.
It is incredible, how much lighter a plane is with only 50 % filling - and even 30 % !
Especially on the German side, the flight distances are often much less than for the Allies, who were based further behind the lines.
Read the briefing. Right of the map, you'll find your total round trip.
If it's 50 miles, take a filling for 75 miles, to give you fighting space, and you may wonder, that it's only 40 % (for example).
Much better performance!
I usually try to have at least twice the distance covered for fuel, it allows for headwinds, combat and I'll carry even more if I'm going across the front, my thinking is that if some crumpet puts a hole in my fuel tank, the more that's in there, the better my chances of getting back to friendly lines before having to put her down.
The Alb DVa in P3 seems a little sluggish compared to P2, but I'm flying her with more fuel, needed for longer missions, so I think that has a large effect on my perceived differences. Otherwise, she is making the same speed in level flight, though I agree that the engine revs sound less than in P2. (I'm flying auto mixture, so that's not it) I do note on take-off if I climb out straight at a constant climb (constant speed of 86 knots) that around 1000' AGL, I hear the engine throttle back automatically. The throttle still says 100% but it sure does sound like it drop a few hundred revs.

Lack of torque, if that's modelled. :)