Hmmm, a 4 place Tomcat?


Staff member
Yep, that's how this description reads. . . .2 pilots plus 2 systems operators. . .I think that makes 4 even if you use the new math, lol. A little overzealous in their attempt to beef up the descriptive copy probably and maybe the guy writing the copy didn't even know what a Tomcat is.

Also, the reference to a "crew" is correct, but there aren't 2 pilots. . . .it's a pilot and a Weapons Officer. Time to look for a copywriter who has actually heard of fighter aircraft.:faint:
HA! You are correct, the F-14 was, is, and always will be a two man aircraft. In USAF terms it's a pilot and weapons systems officer, the acronym being WSO, or "wizzo". In the Navy it's a pilot and naval flight officer, the acronym is NFO, or No Future Opportunity.
. . . . .In USAF terms it's a pilot and weapons systems officer, the acronym being WSO, or "wizzo". . . .
Correctamundo stansdds, we had "wizzo's" during the time we were flying the F-4's, but once the F-16 moved in we lost a lot of great guys to either desk jobs or early retirement. No longer were there "crews" for the F-16. . .just pilots.
Hah! - Nowadays they make them a "Weapons Systems Officer". In my day you could be an Seaman A/A and still have to man the twin thirties, operate the radio. run the Radar, keep track of where the Carrier was and at the same time make sure that the pilot was awake.
They realized that keeping the pilots eyes were always open was an important job so they made them an officer.
Boy, I sure could have used the pay.