HMS Hermes - Help Needed


Charter Member
Hi All,

I'm a bit of a Noob here but i was wondering if anyone new where i may find a Landable HMS Hermes that is FS9 compliant?

I found this Old Alphasim Hermes Battle group scenery for Cfs2 but for some reason the support ships are OK but the flight deck is well...On The DECK! at sea level! and only the tower and ski jump are visible above the water? I cant make sense of it I've adjusted the scenery's position in the library with no success!

Does anybody out there have any Ideas????

the scenery I found here:


Hooky :salute:

I'm afraid so, you see I'm working up a nice collection of post war UK & European carriers and hermes is the main one i'm missing so far the list goes

HMS Ocean R68 - (Retextured PA R95 Arromaches)
HMS Ark Royal IV
HMS Ark Royal R07 - as in your Screens - very nice btw
HMS Eagle - Old fs98 scenery i'm modernizing/ Retexturing, Not brilliant but landable with ArrCab
Principe de Austrias

But thanks for the Suggestion tho

Hooky :salute:
There was a thread on this forum a few months ago on that very same problem. I believe it had to do with a "flatten" (?). I'm sure one of the regulars here can amplify.

- H52
yup. I've had all kinds of issues with ships and flatten files. Some need em and some don't. I try NOT to use em as I've had carriers flight deck pulled down to the waterline sometimes when using them. As I'm also still learning these quirks try moving the battlegroup somewhere you KNOW there's no flatten file, record the EXACT coordinates of the carriers model position (X,Y,Z = 0,0,0 - you may have to decompile the bgl to find it), then build your airport with AFCAD using those EXACT same coordinates for the airport AND the runway. least thats how I do it.
you need two afcads for carriers. One is for the runway and taxiways and hard surfaces the other is just an apron route 800 feet wide and a few hundred feet longer than the carrier, this is the flatten. the flatten needs to be a higher priority in the scenery hierachy than the deck afcad so put it in a seperate folder called flatten and make sure it's at the top of the list. FS doesn't like floating airports so it pulls up the surrounding water to the afcad level with the apron route a higher priority it forces the sea level back down.
you need two afcads for carriers. One is for the runway and taxiways and hard surfaces the other is just an apron route 800 feet wide and a few hundred feet longer than the carrier, this is the flatten. the flatten needs to be a higher priority in the scenery hierachy than the deck afcad so put it in a seperate folder called flatten and make sure it's at the top of the list. FS doesn't like floating airports so it pulls up the surrounding water to the afcad level with the apron route a higher priority it forces the sea level back down.

Thanks I'll give it a try Do i need any other tools besides AFCAD 2.2??? BGL decrypter for instance and where would i find one of those????

Ask the question over at the forum - it is available, Dave Garwood did the work iirc. They'll be able to point you in the right direction, to the appropriate place on "The Pond"!
Thanks I'll give it a try Do i need any other tools besides AFCAD 2.2??? BGL decrypter for instance and where would i find one of those????

Here is BGL analyze
You only need that to move the model to a new location and it doesn't always work on some files. Apart from that you're all set, let us know how you get on, I'm currently working on RNAS Yeovilton and Culdrose.
I've just fiddled around with the Hermes put in a flatten file and the carriers now above water. Needs some retexturing though.
I've just fiddled around with the Hermes put in a flatten file and the carriers now above water. Needs some retexturing though.

Thanks Man I'll give it a try myself got Dave Garwoods Hermes near the Isle of White but none of the Anntenas or radars show up is this the case for this one ???


Hooky :salute:
Naa no good Clarke I cant seem to get BGL Analyze to work So I'll make do with DG's model for now will give it a shot when I'm a bit more confident with scenery basics but cheers for all your help though really appreciated! :jump: btw what was wrong with the textures???????


SUCCESS!!!!! Ok i've cracked it now! Strange that the deck textures are now missing??? but the Hulls ok cant fathom it myself???


Sorry I've not replied sooner, new job, the deck textures look too grainy and basic to me. If your textures aren't showing up try copying them to the main FS9 texture folder that usually does the trick. As for BGL Analyze if you drag and drop the bgl file into it and nothing happens then it means the file was compiled using a different method to some files and can't be decompiled. Which other Hermes are you referring to? I've tried doing a search at the usual sites but drew a blank so I can't help with that one. Get's frustrating after a while doesn't it :icon_lol:
Sorry I've not replied sooner, new job, the deck textures look too grainy and basic to me. If your textures aren't showing up try copying them to the main FS9 texture folder that usually does the trick. As for BGL Analyze if you drag and drop the bgl file into it and nothing happens then it means the file was compiled using a different method to some files and can't be decompiled. Which other Hermes are you referring to? I've tried doing a search at the usual sites but drew a blank so I can't help with that one. Get's frustrating after a while doesn't it :icon_lol:

hi Clarke, sorry for the delay

Its One that Dave Garwood ported over to fs9 a while ago someone gave me the link over at CBFS its the same ex alphasim model as the cfs2 one I've been working with but its be repositioned off the Isle of white and its lost its radar and antenna in the conversion. I'm now trying to jazz up the textures of the resist of the fleet but convR8's giving me jip!!! never fear i'm sure I'll prevail!:salute:


Regards hooky
The one down south still has its radar and antenna. Looking in the scenery file there is a few bgl's so one was probably forgotten or if the radar was animated it might not have made through the decompile. I need to see if the static aircraft can be removed. No room for AI it gets binned.
The one down south still has its radar and antenna. Looking in the scenery file there is a few bgl's so one was probably forgotten or if the radar was animated it might not have made through the decompile. I need to see if the static aircraft can be removed. No room for AI it gets binned.

I'll try n send you the link I've got for the Isle of white model which you'll be pleased to know has NO static aircraft

this should be it:

Regards Hooky
Thanks for that and I see what you mean about the radar. I'll have a poke about later in the week and see what's in the bgls.
Thanks for that and I see what you mean about the radar. I'll have a poke about later in the week and see what's in the bgls.

You're welcome bud, Let us know what you find!

I'm just trying to jazz up the textures of the rest of the ships in the fleet It's giving me a headache I can get them to convert from .af (.0af,1af,2af etc) to BMP for editing but I can't get em back to .af again! any Ideas?????


Are they still showing in sim as bmps? I just opened one with dxtbmp and it changed to bmp automaticaly. It might be a case of when they were first created they were named A273_.0af instead of A273_.bmp. If they're not showing after editing it might be because when saved they drop the .0af extension so have a look and if so rename them exactly as they were.