Hobbit missions factory update


Charter Member
Hi all,
Hobbit has been rather busy of late..
The list of work is becoming interesting..

I recently received a Newer computer from one of our kind Brothers here.
and are setting this up, transferring to this machine..

I have received a massive amount of files of late from developers and Masters.

I have all of one of our Masters works for 12 years to sort

And the TOW development team has allowed me to jump into this with them, Thank you gentlemen..
This is a massive amount of files to study and learn..

I am also doing a large set for the Rising Sun team which I am permitted to be a part of.

Along with the FW 189 by Dancat skins by Jaycee

And The Hampden aircraft I have "Aircraft Beta" I am receiving much Kind help with getting set up for all..

The priority right now for me is:

1)set up my newer computer

2) Finish my Rising Sun team work

3)Sort and understand the TOW package expansion

4 Get the Fw 189 out to all ( I will have to forgo for now the complete missions package..)
5) Get the Hampden out to all (without the CC missions for now)
6) Release several ETO, MAW missions packages (including Tigermoth, Hampden and Fw 189 sets)

The Tigermoth is being worked on are we are awaiting this to be returned from the shop..
I have this Tigermoth missions package finished for the Masters to be uploaded perhaps with the aircraft.

The FW 189 I have three missions finished would like to add a few more, one for each of the Skinned aircraft.
Finish the Hampden missions

Also complete some sets that some of Our brothers have asked me for here..

A full plate indeed.
This is normal for me, I always do 7 things at once..
reason is if I get frustrated with one thing I can move to another for a bit..

I owe the ETO/PTO/Rising Sun team and the TOW expansion team highest priority.
Above and beyond all other items..
And getting my newer computer online is also top of the list..

So bear with me please and in the next few weeks their will be a number of things being uploaded..
God willing..and Scooterbike doesn't call too loudly from Her resting place..
Nice to have Scooterbike, when I need to clear my Furry head, I can always fly Her for a bit..
Just a FYI..
ya da man , youve done alot in here ....and i hope a rest , and your groupies take care of your pleasure principal .......lol

work hard -----equals = play hard = back to the basics = missions lol
Things have slowed down here a bit.

A death of a friend will be taking my attention the next week..
So as I can I will address all of this..
Thanks for the patience all
your kind soul is always been torn to the needy and sick and I feel oneday your other computer will appear to toil some fun and joy and make more .,...lol

hobbit for president
Owen: God bless you my friend. I'll pray for you and your friend, and at my age seems I've been doing a lot of praying lately.

I am pleased to say I have managed to get the newer Win7 computer set up..
Replaced the 300w power source with a 550w power source.
Installed a 320 meg Nivida 8800 GTS video card to replace the 256 meg onboard video.
Not a Big video card but a improvement from the onboard video.
Transfered all the files to this new Win 7 machine from my E-machine..
And there is much rejoicing!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Getting back into all of this,, Been on the road visiting a Army friend..For 40 years we have been together had to take the run to his place for a few days..
now into CFS3..
Oh yea!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
After a "month" of real life, I am now getting back into all of this..
Yea, been busy earning a few dollars and working..
Now this is slowed and back to Missions, and sorting where I left off at..
And there is Much rejoicing!
:applause: :applause: :applause: