Hobbit thanks to all for being patient..


Charter Member
I realize many are wondering when the Hobbit is getting his act together on a few promised mission packages..

I am somewhat busy the past month or so, working to earn some money out of my Hobbit hole, which is a great blessing to me.
And the chance to earn a few honest dollars I never let pass me by..

And I have also been blessed with a very modern "New" fast computer, which has taken sometime to set up and transfer over 600 gig of CFS3 and expansions files into..

I have almost completed the Hampden package with The kind help of many Masters and their skills.
awaiting some more info on the CC Hampden missions( for Historical missions) and all will be ready..

I am also finishing TOW Missions for the TOW expansion team..

And as requested I am dancing with some wonderful missions from friends for their personal use and upcoming release to the public..
And often I put my personnel missions sets on the back burner to do this ..Not a problem for me..
If a kind soul says hobbit look at this and or help with this I am always willing to do so..

I am fore most just a mission builder, but like many here have learned to place skins, and adjust XDP's and sometimes even sort out a small problem in Air configs..
I have had to learn, to do many things the past few years because of the needs for my mission packages and for the several team efforts I am blessed to be a part of.
I don't ever just do anything alone now.

Often what I try to do is because of the Skill and kindness of Our Masters who have the experience to adjust air files and MDL files. Build aircraft,
Or build VC's for aircraft..And a entire list of things hobbits don't know how to do..

Or even give a CRAZY Hobbit permission to use their wonderful work in my Hysterical packages..

Just wanted all to Know this is a great Blessing to me, even when I overload my furry butt with more pokers in the fire then I can grab out..

Christmas is coming and I going, in spite of Heaven or Hades to get a special few things out to all..
Hampden will be first I expect, (once the mission info is given to me from a kind soul who is researching it) then on to More Rising Sun and ETO work.
Thanks all for you kind patience..
God Bless ..
No hurrys on our project Owen. We got all the time in the world my good Hobbit,and
SOH isn't going anywhere for awhile.

I've still got alot of work to go on the "Turning Tides" filmography,and I want to do
a good job and make sense to the players on these mission sets. Wyld/House is
on Hobbit-Shire time,so were in no big hurrys at all.
I had no idea you are still making missions I thought you were retired, I have seen so many HH missions from you I cannot believe how you did it amazing.. Thank you for letting us enjoy those amazing missions you have built..There are so many HH that I have not tried yet, I really wanna try out the Tuskegee one for MAW hoping to do that in the future.. Glad to hear you are still making them looks like CFS3 is gonna be with me forever to enjoy until I am a very old man because of the amazing 3rd party stuff, etc. (im 22 at the moment)..

BTW what is a TOW expansion?
Thanks all ,
Been feeling a bit guilty, not getting My first Love done, Building Missions..

As I stated (the past month or so) been blessed to work some out of the Hobbit Hole and this has been so cool to earn a few dollars..
Which for me is Wonderful..

The TOW package is the Night Bomber war.. With wonderful effects and Aircraft being crafted by the Members of the (ETO/PTO/Rising Sun) team members and others.

I have a TOW mission package here at SOH for ETO.
From the Masters and their efforts for setting this up..

This effort is a major undertaking , and I have been permitted to help with the missions..
One of the items that has taken many many hours of work by a Great Group of Masters..

The TOW Beacons and Effects for this are truly amazing, in a mission I am working on you get to watch Berlin Burn..
And it looks too cool from 12K..
This will require massive amounts of Night flying, and instrument training..Keeping ones self in the Bomber stream is required, and skill is needed in flying those Large 4 engined bombers, also have Night fighter missions..I am working on for this..

Yea I haven't retired Happy to say, just bouncing from Mission Package to mission package..
and been busy out of the Hobbit Hole..

Thanks Guys for your Kind support and understanding in all of this..

Take as much time as you need setting up your computer!

Your work and dedication to CFS3 and mission building is absolutely amazing!
Thanks, Led..
But is some ways I do owe much to all the wonderful developers, many years I wasn't online except rarely.
During those years the Masters here with their work, Including your work.
Was the only way I was able to keep all of my CFS3 installs full of new items to play with.
Just trying to return back to those here who keep this fresh and new for me.
Very grateful,