
A repaint of 1st Lt. Dallas Clinger's P-40E using the freeware IRIS P-40 series for FS2004.


The paint is complete save for a few questions. The wheel hubs had a US roundel on the outer side, I cannot find the texture map for it, OBIO, help, I need a UV map to find this.

Also, what is the black wire-looking object dangling in front of the rear wheel? This is on every texture represented, it cannot be right! Is there a fix for this; a model issue or maybe a little black alpha to make it go away?

Excellent model, great flying characteristics, and teamed with flyboy's Allison and Merlin sound packages, it's a winner, as good a it gets for venerable old FS2004.



Many thanks smoothie, I would never in a million years have found that! I'll get on it after I attend Memorial Day services at 11:00. :salute:

Beautiful work there Cazzie :applause:

Hmmmm, that link to download does not work for me on that page.

IRIS Downloads and Forums are off due to Bandwidth exceeded... milton if you want the IRIS P-40 let me know and i'll extract it into several Zips and fire it across to you, alternately if David gives me permission i'll upload here...

Cazzie the black thing is an Antenna... can be seen on this photo...
Hey Caz,

Although Smoothie is correct in his reference to the restored warbird, I believe the wire you are referring to is an anti-static ground wire. Once these birds were in combat many of these wires were simply not replaced after they wore down to the point of needing replacement.

Great looking paint BTW! :applause: :applause:

She's here.............................................. .........

At SOH. http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=7&linkid=1472

Many thanks smoothie, the wireframe did the trick, found what I needed and then some (underwing tank, leading edge bulges and trailing edge roots.

Anti-static wire, just never noticed one in photos.

The P-40Es used by the 23rd FG were ex-RAF Warharksm therefore they were in an RAF paint scheme. I used Sky Grey undies with the topsides of Earth Brown and faded Dark Green (all paints use HEX codes from Simmer's Paint Shop RAF Paint Swathes).

For a better contact point for the rear wheel (it was slightly raised for me), amend your aircraft.cfg to read:

point.0=1, -18.10, 0.00, -3.00, 3500, 0, 0.52, 180.0, 0.20, 3.500, 0.59, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0, 180

My new prop blur is in the zip, so if you already have that when you follow the instructions, you will not need it. I found the faces somewhat pale and white, so I gave them a bit more of a fleshy tone and included that in the .zip also.

Been out on the bike quite a spell, rode into Danville and attended the Memorial Day ceremonies at the local Veterans' Cemetary. Good to get home, get a bath, and get some A/C. Storms approaching righ now.


A little demo video, turn up the sound box so you can hear those wonderful lawdog sounds. :ernae:





Where is this famous skin ? :)
The link give me no results .. nothing to download ..
I still there seated on my chute pack waiting for fly this plane ....

compliments on the skin Caz!
now, what scenery is that in the vid, and how big is your vid card? beautiful.
Yikes claudius and Tom, link works fine for me, goes straight to the download.

Try clicking on Warbird's Library and What's New, should be at the top with another surprise.

The scenery is Kunming, China, FSGenesis 76-meter mesh, GE Pro textures, REX-2004 sky and water bp. I use two nVidia 9600GSO cards in an SLI set-up, monitor is a 24-in. widescreen. Default screenshots are 1920 X 1600.

Great job there, Cazzie! :applause:

But please allow me some nitpicking (as suggestion for possible follow-ups):
I think the leading edge wingroot wears the wrong colour:


Shouldn't it be green there?

You'll find the section on P40_4_T.psd:


Hope you don't mind... :ernae:

for those that are interested i'm going to work on the P-40 Paintkit this weekend, refine it further and tweak it, maybe even make a fullside texture so you can line everything up on the first pass :salute: