Honda Jet Released on Marketplace...

Except for the fact that you won't find the name Honda anywhere near it. Seems they never reached any real agreement with the exec's at KGSO.
Brings me my IFR memories back. The Hondojet has a lot of very specific systems and brings them perfectly to MSFS. No Auto Throttle, but CSC Cruise Speed Control and FLC Flight Level Change modes. AP is working like a charme. TCAS and weather radar.

All is automatic, if you want - from the lights, icing to fuel management. You can use SID/STARS and Flightplans from MSFS (of course also Smbrief/Navigraph). But you have to depart and land manually. VNAV is possible with WT Garmin 3000. But you don´t need it. On decent a hand on the throttles is guite the same.

Big fun.
