HouseeHobbit is back (somewhat)


Charter Member
First I wish to Thank all who here that supported me when I was first Hurt.
I am in terrible condition.
barely able to walk or even type this.
My Life is painful, but i haven't surrendered to it.
It has been difficult.

I am going to try to reload my CFS3 files, (I lost everything years ago in a computer crash)
And return to Mission building, perhaps it will help me focus my life again.

To any whom may still be here from years ago I am sorry it took so long.
I never received any of the follow up surgeries , and it left me rather useless. They tossed me to the curb..
Now before I die I want to repay the kindness and friendship I had here once.

With that said, it will take me some time to reload and set up a CFS3 and ETO/PTO and MAW installs.
I was hurt Badly and and everything is VERY difficult now, even typing this is a challenge.
But I need to try, and do this. Please bear with me as I try to again be of some use for this site and the wonderful people here.
God Bless each of you.
Off to cause CFS3 mischief again perhaps..
Glad to have you back Bro ! Miss your input and work. Sorry life has been and is so difficult for you. You are in my prayers . Kind Regards,Scott
Owen, welcome back! I'm so sorry to hear how things have been for you, but glad to see you around again.
Hi Owen,Even if you just pop in here and keep us company that will be enough, you've already made your CFS3 contribution many times over. :) There are various aids such as speech to text which may help you, I'm sure we can sort you out with a microphone if you don't have or can't get one. Nice to see you back. Clive
Thank You all very much.. I am sorting out what files i have saved on my various hard drives to get my set ups installed and running again.
It will be a slow process but i am determined and look forward to getting this done..
God bless each of you.
Bless your furry feet Owen, it's wonderful to hear from you! :wavey: You are far from forgotten, we kept the hobbit hole dusted specially and the nameplate polished, so make yourself at home. :encouragement:

Man it is good to hear from you again. CFS3 has always been good therapy for me, hope it can send you some help and relief.:applause:
Thanks all of you..
I am working slowly to get my CFS3 installs set up, It is difficult. But I am hopeful I may be able to help out here in the CFS3 group again.
My Body doesn't always agree with that. And this will be a slow process.
I am determined to give it a good hobbit go at it all.
Thanks everyone very much..
God bless ya all.
God bless you Owen. Getting back in CFS 3 after a while away is difficult along with your limitations. So glad to have you back and take care . Regards,Scott
Yea this is going to be a challenge, I have found a couple of my installs intact, on my external hard drives, I will get them transferred to my desktop and see if i can get it all working.
I am hoping to get back into the ETO, PTO stuff most of all..
I lost a one TB external drive a couple of years ago that all of this. Bummer.
But I think I can work up some of various installs for now. At least to a use-able point.
God willing..
Just finished my installs mostly all over again. Very tiresome but worthwhile. Hope it all goes well for you. Take Care ,Scott
Owen, welcome back! Your absence was sorely felt. Your return will make this place a lot brighter. Here's to better days ahead.:ernaehrung004: