How Big Is Yours?


Retired SOH Admin
Just out of curiosity, I took a look at the FS9 directory....and was amazed at how large it has grown. Right now, my FS9 install takes up 21 gig of HD space. That 21 gig is mostly aircraft. I have just a small spattering of non-stock scenery installed, Real Environment Pro. I use Rhumbafloppy's new world mesh, but that is stored in an outside folder and shared with that does not count in the FS9 install size. All of my motor sounds are in a common outside folder and does not factor into the size of the install. Aircraft...just hit 500, taking up 16.3 gig.

And I have only had FS2004 since Christmas of 08. Think were it will be in another year.

I did not think I would be able to match you Obio, but I have 32.6 gigs on my hard drive.:pop4:

It is amazing how much stuff you accumulate, I think most of mine is VFR scenery, FS global textures and loads of things I do not use anymore. Perhaps one day I will sort it out.
FS9 VOZ: Australia 26G.
FS9 INTER: Europe/Asia/UK etc 37G.
FS9 USM: USA and Canada present day 33G.
FS9 USC: USA and Canada 1955-1965 23G.
FS9 USV: USA and Canada 1945-1955 21G.
FSGW2: 1914-1935 18G.
FSGW3: 1935-1945 27G.

184G! Mostly terrain, scenery and AI, the only aircraft included are the ones I fly all the time .......:jump:
Most probably will need another installation for 'Europe 1955-1965' ..... :kilroy:
C: drive for Main FS9 @ 25.6 G
F: drive for FS9 Hangar @ 48.9 G

This excludes the aircraft folders I've burned to CD to save HD space.

FS9 = 216GB / 85GB installed and 132GB in my Hangar
Looks like I have some cleaning to do!:isadizzy:

Wombat, do these live on your machine at the same time, or do you swap them out?

All reside (most of the time) happily side by side.
VOZ doesn't play nice with anything but a basic FS9 installation, so that is just 'FS9' with all my Aussie 'stuff'.
At times a little re-naming of installations is in order if a new addition looks for 'FS9' and will not accept anything else ........ :kilroy:
It helps to have 1.5TB of drive space BTW.
My FS9 weighs in at just 8.4 GB, I feel very...inadequate. :redface:
I consider my current install just temporary until my son builds me a better computer. If I loaded up all the FS9 planes I had in my FS2002 install I'd probably be up around 20 GB or so.
your not alone TARPSBird... :)

FS9 = just over 9 Gigs (290 planes, mostly AI tho)
Addon Scenery with global FSGenesis mesh = 23.1 gigs

that's all

Each of my 3 installs, FS9, GW3 & SW, are tiny at just about 3.5 GB each. There's next to nothing in them.

My scenery resides in a shared folder. As do my root sound, gauge & effects folders (thanks to Junction link magic). My aircraft reside in their prespective hangers, permanently!! I have alias folders for each aircraft that contain three files only, aircraft.cfg, airfile and ACM thumbnail. It makes moving them in and out real quick, as the aliasing within them means the big files never get moved :d

Those folders elswhere on my HD are kinda huge, around 350G in total
Given that HDD space is not an issue, I wonder if some of you "multiple install" folk could talk us through how you structure the folders?
I am looking to create 3 separate FS9 installs, which should live on the same partition and not interfere with each other.
myself, I just installed Golden Wings and Silver wings, following the instructions included, this worked fine for the 3 eras I wanted, early, cold war(ish) and modern. Otherwise I be as lost as Losty Losterson and the Clueless.

You guys are giving me envy! :icon_lol: How long does it take to open the programs?

FSGW3 - 5.3 GB

FS9 - 9.8 GB

FSX - 21.4 GB

On External Drive

FS9 Hanger - 28.1 GB

FS9 and FSX repaint kits and repaints - 11.3 GB

I think I fly too little and paint too much! :guinness:
