How can I do this?


Charter Member
I downloaded 14 cabin/bush type files from avsim to complement Vancouver+. Problem is there are no afcads and no coordinates in the readme so there's no real way to find them in the sim afaik. The author is no longer available. If I could somehow get the lat/long of each, I could make an afcad but I can't figure out how to open the file to look. Does anybody have any ideas?
Without any documentation in the Readme file, you might have to do it the same as IRL. If you're familiar with the area in the Sim, you'll just have to fly around and identify them with the MK I eyeball, then note the Lat/Long and go from there.

I loaded some of my FS2002 Bush Scenery into FS9; they don't show up in the Scenery Library or on the GPS but I'm familiar with where they are, so I can navigate to them by pilotage and DR.
Thanks but that's a no go. I'm pretty familiar with the Vancouver+ area as I've flown around it plenty of times. But putting a small scenery in and then flying arougd to locate it would take hours. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack and doing that 14 times won't work. These are freeware so it's hard to complain but I don't understand why the author didn't at least include a location for each. One would think that there's some way to look in a bgl file to find coordinates.
Some of Naji Chehabbidine's sceneries feature a short range ndb to help in locating them; files and author would help :)


Did you download a bunch of scenery objects? If they're scenery objects, they don't exist in the sim until you specify their locations and put them in. Just dropping the files into some folder within FS doesn't add them to the sim. You have to use an object placement program to set their locations and add them to your (new or existing) scenery.
They're all on avsim. One is A search for vancouver there will bring them all up (along with other files). They are all addon cabins/bush locations for Vancouver+. Small files, about 1-2 meg, with a list of ez objects that are needed.
The ones by Franz Curza, just took a look inside the zip, seems each zip has a file inside
area map.jpg, centered on the coordinates of the respective scenery, complete with coordinates

So here's what to do, check the area map .jpg for nearest airport, start a flight at that location, then once flight has loaded use the map view and relocate your aeroplane by typing in the coordinates from the map jpg in the boxes provided.

Once satisfactorily at your new location,use the flights option to save the flight for easy reference. With afcad you can then add a short range beacon to each location.

Hope this helps


Thank you. It will help with some. I just looked and not all have maps. I guess there's no tool that allows one to look inside an airport bgl and get coordinates.
Thank you. It will help with some. I just looked and not all have maps. I guess there's no tool that allows one to look inside an airport bgl and get coordinates.

rich12545; It's been ages since I worked on any scenery, but if memory serves me correctly; there is a freeware tool for bgl breakdown. If you take a look over at; fsdeveloper, you should be able to find what you need.
Tool for decompiling bgl is called bgl-xml; a google search should find it.

However, as it seems you might have to resort to old fashioned map reading skills, this site ----->
should help you with aeronautical charts (free btw..... I like free!!); note if you select an airport, then chart you can zoom in/out, and move map around with your mouse. There are coordinates displayed in top right of map view which can be entered in fs directly, being in the same UTM style.

So.... you might find Boston Bar Emergency landing strip (north of CYHE, Hope, BC) @ N49 58.48 W121 29.94
like so ------>,-121.498055555556&chart=301&zoom=3
and compare to --->

This will not be 100% accurate in FS unfortunately, but will get you in the neighbourhood, as there are slight differences between FS UTM and real world UTM (thank Microsoft for that, they messed up a few grids)

Can you post up a list of which ones you're still having trouble with?

BTW author is Franz Curda... not as I posted yesterday (finger trouble on keyboard!!)



Ps bit more on UTM coordinates ----->
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Motormouse, that bgl-xml is exactly what I'm looking for. It's easy to use. And I won't need charts. I took a look at one and the lat-long is expressed in detail. Thank you very much. :applause:
They're all on avsim. One is A search for vancouver there will bring them all up (along with other files). They are all addon cabins/bush locations for Vancouver+. Small files, about 1-2 meg, with a list of ez objects that are needed.

Well,, at least, isn't just a batch of scenery objects. It's an enhancement for a certain payware Vancouver scenery. So if you have that payware Vancouver, you should see the stuff in In fact, you should see the stuff even if you don't have the payware Vancouver, though what you see might not look right without the payware scenery, or might conflict with things in the stock scenery. It says that the Vancouver scenery is required, so I presume that you read that and have Vancouver. So if you have the Vancouver scenery and the ezabbot stuff still doesn't show up, then the mystery continues.

I wonder if it could have to do with scenery priority...? For example, the payware Vancouver might have (probably does have) an exclude file that excludes the stock Vancouver. If you have the ezabbot stuff on a lower level, that exclude file might exclude the ezabbot items too. Try reversing the priority of the Vancouver scenery and the scenery folder you put the ezabbot stuff into.