How can I do this?


Charter Member
I'd like to setup flights with attached flight plans. But I want the plans to reside in the same folder as the flights which would go in the FS9 Flights folder.

The default is for all plans go in the My Documents/Flight Simulator Files and there doesn't seem any way to put the plans in a different folder and have them load automatically but I've seen it done occasionally so there should be a way somehow. If anybody knows how and can explain, I'd greatly appreciate it.
If I'm not sadly mistaken, it should be no problem. FLT files and PLN files that you create both reside in C:\Users\user\Documents\Flight Simulator Files by default. Try this:

  1. Create a new flight or start a saved one.
  2. Open the flight planner and create your plan.
  3. With the flight plan in place, save your flight, overwriting the old one if necessary.

You can actually verify whether the FLT file saved with the GPS plan attached by opening Notepad and then dragging the FLT file into it. There will be a [GPS_Engine] section included if you were successful, and the first line of that section will reference the path to your PLN file.

You can also check the box to make this your new default flight if you wish. This won't alter anything in the FLT or PLN files, but it will change the SITUATION= line in the fs9.cfg under the [USERINTERFACE] section.
Yes, that worked. All that needs to be done is change the path to whatever folder in Flights that I want. Thank you very much. The bad part is this would be very time consuming for a lot of flights and so I have to see if my ocd will have me do it anyway. :dizzy: