How can I do this?


Charter Member
Ach, I'm finally making the move. My computer is ready. I'm going to FSX.

I have a couple of small scenery programs I'd like to take with me. Both by the same author, one freeware and one payware called fsf. I can't find how to reach the dev. Maybe 5-6 bgl files and 30-40 bmp files. Does anybody know a simple easy way to convert them?
Go ahead and try them as is.

Most FS9 scenery works fine in FSX.

If you find a specific problem then post in the FSX forum.


Yeah, I thought about running both but there's so much in FSX what's the point? I tried the demo and even the default looks so much nicer. I just like to fly vfr and bush flights in different areas around the world. There's one guy who wrote more than 150 very cool missions and there are hundreds more.

Lane, I'll do that. Between the two programs they place scenery enhancements at more than 700 small airports in Alaska and British Columbia where I do a lot of flying.