Hey Jinx, good to hear from you!
Well, I think it can be done, but it might involve a lot of tedious fiddling. That's because there are four files in the scenery folder that all need to be relocated and made to line up perfectly with each other (unlike Paul Clawson's carriers that had everything in one file, except maybe the wake.) They might line up by themselves, but I expect that changing the location might involve some tedious tweaking to get things exactly right.
There are separate bgl files for the ship, the hard deck, the deck lights and the wake. Aside from those, my install also includes a fifth file, an AFCAD, that is nothing but an airport Properties "bug" with location information, presumably just to provide a start point and/or a Select Airport menu entry. I don't recall whether that came with the download or if I added it myself. I installed my copy fifteen years ago, so my recollection of the details is fuzzy.
Anyway, open the ship bgl with bglxml, open the xml file and change the coordinates, and recompile it with BGLcomp. (If the file won't open with bglxml, I think that puts the kibosh on the project.) That step puts the ship in your chosen location.
Next comes the fiddly part: do the same thing with the hard deck, the deck lights and the wake effect. What makes it fiddly is that your new location and especially the ship's heading probably means that hose three bits won't line up quite properly with the ship, and will require more or less trial and error to get them to line up just right.
Then open the AFCAD file with AFCAD (assuming you have one and it wasn't just my personal addition) and change the location coordinates to match your new ship. Put the bug on deck in your chosen starting spot. It doesn't need (and shouldn't get) a parking space. An AFCAD with no features except location will show on the Select Airport menu and selecting it will put your plane exactly where the Properties bug is.
I have not tried this; I thought about it was got intimidated by the thought of making all four files line up properly. It might be a bear or it might be simpler than I thought. If you make it work, as fsafranek said, it's a proprietary item so you can't release it to the public, but I would be very interested in hearing whether you are able to pull it off. If you're successful and it doesn't drive you nuts with the tediousness of matching up the different files, maybe I'll give it a go myself.
You'll need:
BGLXML by Alessandro G. Antonini
BGLcomp the FS9 SDK
Possibly AFCAD by Lee Swordy
Good luck! Please let us know how it goes.