Life Time CM
I have a plane I installed that is flat and needs some shine, is there a way I can change this in Paint Shop Pro or in the files?
...,I used to collect them. Still have a few.
It depends which model is being repainted, if the model allows alpha channels you can add shine. Steve
I have a plane I installed that is flat and needs some shine?
I'd have thought so...
Matter of interest, what is shine (as opposed to reflectivity), and what does the alpha channel actually provide, as opposed to what's built into the model?
I tried to download the above file from SOH but a window came up saying "page Not Availble"
here we go....
firstly, you'll need Frhed or another Hex editor, Frhed is free so a no-brainer, if you don't have it and can't find it, gimme a shout.
secondly, texture editing software, I know you got this so enough said.
thirdly, MDLC V1.xx, I use 1.90, never had any problems with it, problems due to models, hell yes!!, MDLC, no.
forthly, enough patience to listen to me rant on about how it's done, but once you know how it's simple as can be :¬)
Part one, adding reflections.
back up original model (you will need it for comparitive purposes), add reflections to original with MDLC (I'll leave you to do this on your own, read it's own manual).
Part one end.
Part Two, fixing VC gauge plane.
First, open the panel.cfg file and in the [VcockpitXX] sections, find the 'texture=$vpanel' (or similar) entries, names will differ and there may be many, one for each VC entry, take note of all the names.
Next, open the original model in Frhed*, then open the new reflective one also. Then click both on the taskbar whilst holding ctrl, right click and select 'tile vertically'. This will help you compare old for new. In the back up, hit the edit menu, and find 'bmp'. Once you get the first one, left click on the 'b' of bmp, this will stop Frhed jumping back to the top when you switch windows (annoying!!), do the same with the new model. If you scroll down a little in each model, you'll notice that the new one now has 2 entries for each bmp, initially comparing both entries, they look identical and I nearly got caught out and gave up. There seemed no difference in the new entry for each bmp, so why add it? But there is a difference, my mistake was I was looking in the right hand window of Frhed, the answer lies in the left.
Now down to the fix, once you've searched for bmp, keep pressing F3 to search for more entries, keep your eye on the scroll bar on the right. You'll find a run of entries near the top, these are the bmp files for the main LOD, suddenly it will jump to near the bottom, these are the VC entries, the ones we are looking for. If the model is Multi-LOD, expect a block for each LOD, you'll have to search a bit more. Once you hit the lower block stop hitting F3, and scroll down instead, in this block you'll find the names you noted down earlier from the panel.cfg, they have no bmp extension, hence the desisting of F3. Once you have located the first $VCpanel entry, move on to the second. You'll notice that in the right window they are separated by lots of '........' and in the left window they appear as '00 00 00 00'. But not all of them!! In the first VC entry if you highlight the $ in the right window the corresponding bit in the left window highlights. Just above that in the left window, you'll see a '01', if you highlight it, you'll see it shows as a '.' in the right window, just like the '00', that is the slight difference I nearly missed. Now the '01' in the first entry is fine, matches the original file. The next entry differs, offset by one bit in the next one is an '02', the '01' is now '00' but imidiatelly right of where it would have been is the '02'. Click on this in the left window and edit it to '00' (Zero zero). Do this for each second entry of the VC files you noted down. Save file and you're good to go, almost.
Part Two end.
Part Three, the prop.
You need to do exactly the same for the prop, easy if the spinning prop has a separate bmp like the ones Kelti makes, more difficult if, as in some cases, it's part of a larger file. Experimentation would be needed here. Fine if the other parts on that bmp don't need reflection, but unfixable if they do. Reflection can only be set per bmp. This will need to be done for the main model, the VC and every LOD (if it has any).
I've included some pics of the areas of importance in frhed, good luck and I hope I was clear enough, let me know otherwise.
*it's easier if you set file associations to open mdl files with Frhed, then you can just double click them. A hex editor is one of the very few proggies you can use to open and view mdl files, so no harm should come. If you use other progs, your advanced enough to know what to do ;¬)