how do i download new planes to cfs3?



hi everyone, just a quick question if i may?

ive downloaded a few additional planes from the website and then unzipped the files into a new folder on my pc.

could i ask, should the new aircaft folders just simply be added complete, into the main aircaft folders, or should i separate the newly downloded additional aircraft files into weapons, effects etc and then save into the relevant files? any additional information and tips would be appreciated !

im using vista, cfs3 works fine for me, can i ask if anyones downloaded additional planes with no problems on vista?

ive seen the b29 and f4 corsair from the AV History website, has everyone downloaded these add ons ok? and used other AV History aircraft ok?


kevin m
Hello Manleykm and welcome,

One thing to remember is that some planes have "shared" files that go with certain groups models,but AV History is a really good site to start with for your addons. Make sure first that you get all weapons,effects and Fx Texture files and follow the installation procedures on the site. Also before you do that even, make sure you have the 2 CFS3 microsoft updates from the main site,(Install 3.1 first then 3.1A!) after that then do the AV History installation.

After you have the Weapons/Effects/FX Textures then all plane files from AVH you can then just install into your CFS3 Aircraft folder. NOTE: Always check a new planes folder for the "BDP" file and delete it before game-start. The game will create a new BDP file for that plane.

Thats just a good starter, but I think you'll catch on to all the tech really quick. Hope this works for you and good luck!

Wyld45/ <<S>>