How do I place objects in scenery?


Charter Member 2011
Hi all,

Fairly new to FS9. Have experience in CFS1, 2 & 3. Would like to know where to learn how to place items in scenery (like static airplanes, for instance); maybe also buildings, etc. The CFS versions have Mission Builders. Anything like that in FS9?

I would like to build different period installs and place static items as well as moving traffic of that period in the installs?

Any help is appreciated.


There are a few freeware programs around that do this, but I've been using Instant Scenery from Flight1 for a long time and it does an excellent job. Also Easy Scenery from Abacus is very similar and just as simple to use. I'm sure there will be plenty of other suggestions, but those are two you can at least look into.
A good place to start with multiple installations is Golden Wings. Straight out of the box it depicts the FS world at about 1940 (but with air traffic more like the early-to-mid 1930s), and by modifying it you can push it back in time or bring it forward.

The installation instructions will tell you all you need to know about multiple installs.

GW3 lives on the SOH server, but you access it via The Old Hangar:

Don't forget to browse the TOH GW pages for the numerous GW updates, patches and fixes that have appeared for it:

Also, there have been many, many special sceneries developed and released specifically for GW. You can find many of them here at SOH and many others exclusively at TOH on the TOH Downloads page:

I would recommend building any installs from the early 1960s back to the Wright Brothers on a GW chassis, and using a stock FS9 for anything from around the late 1960s to the present time.