How do I tell if patchs were applied?


I have just reinstalled CFS3 on my new computer running Windows 7, 64 bit.I ran the patches utilitys for it to update to 3.1 and 3.1a.Unlike my Windows XP install the version does not show on the splash screen,but if I click on "about" in the sim it only says it's version 3.1.
Is this normal with Windows 7? How do I know if the patch to 3.1a was applied , or sould it say 3.1a in the" about"screen?
When I run the 3.1a patch uitility it just says CFS3 was updated to 3.1a but doesn't say this in the game
My install is on the G drive instead of the C drive which is a separate HD from C ,if that helps.
That's the way it is. Version 3.1 confirms it is so, 3.1a only tells you it's been applied when you first install it.