How do you get AICarriers in P3D (2.5)?


Charter Member
Hello Chaps,
Need some help here.
I currently use FSX and P3D 2.5. I have AI Carriers in FSX, it sits in my C: drive Program Files (x86) and works fine. Question is, can I have AI Carriers for P3D as well, when P3D and FSX are both installed? Do I have to have to have two versions of AI Carriers or can they share the same one? Where do I install it?
When I try to install it for P3D it wants to use the same path where the FSX one is already sitting, hence my confusion.

My FSX AI carriers is the java one. I have also downloaded the .Net one but I find the install instructions a little difficult to follow:stupid:.
Any assistance would be appreciated.

From the Team SDB Enterprise manual:

AICarriers was designed for Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Acceleration but will work with Prepar3D as well.
If you have FSX and AICarriers already installed simply copy the EXE.XML file found in the
"\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX\" folder to the
"\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D\" folder.
If not, read the AI Carriers manual install notes and include the <Path>…\AICarriers\aicarriers.exe</Path> information.

Hope this helps.
Alternatively you can just double click AICarriers.exe once P3D has started. Less convenient but handy if you want to check it works before editing the exe.xml file.
Thanks for the info chaps, but I can't find an exe.xml file in my FSX folder, or anywhere on my PC :dejection: except for the sample one in the AI Carriers download which I did copy and rename and change the path for, but the only way to see AI Carriers in my P3D is to run the AI Carriers.exe after starting P3D as Skippy said.

Will keep trying.



Bit late replying, been working night shifts.:sleeping:


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The exe.xml should be in "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX", (same place as the fsx.cfg) but if I remember correctly, it doesn't exist by default.

If you have a registered version of FSUIPC, you could also use that to launch the AICarriers.exe instead.
The exe.xml file is located in ....."SystemDrive"/Users/"Admin"/AppData/Roaming/Lockheed Martin/Prepar3D v*.

If there isn't one already present, just add the sample one included in AI Carriers, renaming it exe.xml.

There is also a new version of AI Carriers which uses the NET interface to connect to FSX or P3D instead of Java. I just found it yesterday, as apparently the older Java version doesn't work in FSX:SE.

Thanks guys, found EXE.xml in FSX and copied it to P3D, :adoration:.



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    AI Carriers Meteor 2.jpg
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