How does Fs9 know where aircraft are?


Now this is a bit deep, but I've trying to work out how Fs9 'knows' where ac are in sim time and space.

I could understand if it uses the ac's gauges, but it still know's where ac are even when there are no panels or gauges fitted, and even an ac made of one poly.

When using one of the airbourne radar add-ons, it will tell me where other ac are including height, direction and speed (and many of these are simple AI ac), but does not see any ac on the ground, moving or stationary. The odd thing is that CFS2 and 3 have built in sim 'radars' or indicator panels, which show where ac or ships are, so surface object info is there and useable in these sims, but not in Fs9.

The reason is that I would like to create surface sea craft, which will be seen by radar as an ac, which at the moment no radar does. I can create models that visually are on the surface, but if I knew what the sim was using for info, I could fool the sim into believing it was at a radar see-able/readable height.

Even if the sim initially knows where an ac starts and then continually calculates where it is, how does it do it? Any ideas folks?


Even if the sim initially knows where an ac starts and then continually calculates where it is, how does it do it? Any ideas folks?




Speed = Distance/time , the sim has an inbuilt clock
so it can work the rest out by substitution.

It does know all this because you can bring up the text info bar at top of screen.

Try taking a look at the traffic sdk maybe?

Or maybe here at fsdeveloper


Brain fart.

Have your aircraft fly at say 100ft altitude. Now offset the centre of the aircraft so the model is 100ft below the model datum point?

Thanks for the thought guys, and all valid.

Yes Jamie, that may be the answer, that would have to rely on the aircraft.cfg which has all the spec data, to tell the sim where the ac datum points are.

A bit experimentation and then ve vill see!

