How I spent my weekend...

Would it be possible to share the shockwave lights coordinates please?

Regards Paul Day.
Always possible. :jump:

Here are the coordinates for the F1, F1A and F2:

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing, 6=taxi, 7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=Logo
light.0=3, -10, -16.0, 2.45, fx_shockwave_navred //fx_navredh
light.1=3, -10, 16.0, 2.45, fx_shockwave_navgre //fx_navgreh
light.2=2, -9.8, -15.7, 2.3, fx_shockwave_strobe //fx_strobeh
light.4=2, -9.8, 15.7, 2.3, fx_shockwave_strobe_2 //fx_strobeh
light.5=2, -4.9, 0.00, 6.5, fx_shockwave_beaconh //fx_strobeh
light.6=4, 15.50, 0.00, 5.4, fx_vclight
light.7 = 7, -13.5,-16.5, 2.5, fx_contrail_Lightning , // Left Wingtip contrail
light.8= 7, -13.5, 16.5, 2.5, fx_contrail_Lightning , // Right Wingtip contrail
light.9= 6, -20.8, 0.0, 1.25, fx_engineLightning , // Eng1 lit
light.10= 9, -21.0, 0.0, 1.25, fx_reheatLightning , // Eng1 reheat
light.11= 6, -20.8, 0.0, 3.7, fx_engineLightning , // Eng2 lit
light.12= 9, -21.0, 0.0, 3.7, fx_reheatLightning , // Eng2 reheat
light.13= 1, 7.5, 0.0, 3.0, fx_engstrtLightning , // EngStarter smoke
//-----------------landing lights-----------------------------------------
light.14= 5, 0.0, 6.3, 1.0, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow_down
light.15= 5, 0.0, -6.3, 1.0, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow_down

This is still a WIP. On a couple I moved the landing lights (14 and 15) slightly forward by an additional 0.5.

One note. I changed the top beacon to red, although AS had them as white. Not sure if that is accurate for the real a/c, but it was more realistic to me. If you change it back to white then I would recommend fx_shockwave_strobe_3 so it flashes at a different rate than the two on the wings. I wasn't fast enough to get a screenshot of the beacon lights, but they are really neat.

Let me know if this works for you. Suggestions always welcome.

Cheers :ernae:

The EE Lightning sure is an odd looking aircraft...but one of my favorite vintage British jets. I fly the old freeware Alphasim Lightnings...tweaked to be more usable in FS9. I recently saw "Those Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines" for the first time...and that clip with the flight of Lightnings streaking overhead...that was awesome!

The AlphaSim EE Lightning was one of my first payware for FS9. I had moved my earlier installs to CD and had forgotten how nice it is. Lots of models with different animations and lot of freeware repaints. :wiggle:

After reinstalling it I decided to do some tweaking. The shockwave lights are a big improvement. I'm halfway through installing working radar for the 2D and VC panels for all the models. I'm still practicing my ILS landings from the VC, and getting accustomed to the individual cockpit layouts. :salute:

I'm still looking for some alternate sounds. Most AS sounds seem alike to me for some reason. With the EE Lighting I would think that the sounds would be more robust especially with the AB.

As I recall, with most earlier jets Alphasim simply aliased their sounds to default FS2004 aircraft. I think even as recently as the F-4 packs 1 and 2 the sounds are aliased to the Learjet 45 for example. Pack 3 has its own sound, and later aircraft such as the F-22 and Eurofighter have their own custom soundsets.