So my kid comes up to me and says with a frown, 'Dad I think my computer got hacked. There are lots of pop up windows telling me to scan for viruses and I can't get anything to open'. I look and it is hopeless. Lots of MS look-a-like boxes saying I'm infected, an empty programs list, nothing responding to clicks. A reboot starts the cascade again and I can't access safe mode at all. She was watching a TV show episode so I'm assuming it wasn't some new cyber attack from without, but an unintentional invitation from her when she went to the site she'd been using for months to watch past TV episodes. So I spent the weekend painfully reinstalling XP from the original old disc, so old it was barely able to connect to the net to start reeducating the old girl up to 2011. This is definitely the last hurrah for that disc as it's data has been left so far behind by MS that it took 2 hours just to get the computer to be able to get the first MS update in. We still like XP so may have to splurge and get a new copy someday soon. It is depressing, however, to go to the MS site and see the question "Still using Windows XP?" like your'e some hermit on a pacific atoll.