Well it still has some issues, I guess I've had really good luck compared to others. I did wait until after the initial rush had died down, and the first "fix" was released before buying it. I haven't had any crashes, and my overall performance is at least on par if not better than MSFS2020 with virtually the same settings. Every now and then I'll experience a weird performance "bog down" issue, but I back out to the graphics page and reset my LOD and TLOD settings and it clears it up. I find I'm way more "engaged" with MSFS2024 than I ever was with MSFS2020. I loved FS20 for what it was, and thought it would be hard to beat. However, the general immersion factor in FS24 is WAY higher for me due to it's increased graphics complexity. Having said that, I believe that the Asobo team has been on a holiday break, and there hasn't been any updates of note since that first fix came out. I also believe they're supposed to released an update to it in January. If that's the case, I'd recommend waiting to buy it until after that, unless you can spend a lot of time learning all the new stuff and customizing it to your liking.