How is MSFS 2024 now?


Charter Member
So I was really excited about the MSFS 2024 release, but the release was, let’s say challenging.
How does it look now, is it worth getting now?
IMHO as for the looks, it definitely is worth getting. But its not that, its the way it works or doesn't.

They should have kept 2020 and change the textures, weather, flightmodels and so forth.

I had given up and have been flying and enjoying 2020 for about a week now once I got fed up. I purchased the aviator package and really wish 2024 would just work as it does look so much nicer when it does work. Today, I tried to use it again hoping that some updates would have moved it along enough to help. Spent about three hours just trying to get it to run. Three freezes on startup at the ~60% loaded mark (I really thought that this would have been fixed by now), 2 crashes to desktop while loading, 1 crash after getting a flight set up, had to sync my clock in windows just to get the process going a few times. I really don't understand why syncing the clock in windows has anything to do with the flight sim, but they (Asobo/MS) actually are offering that advice as a solution if you are having issues starting it. I mean, red flag right there, Asobo! I am looking forward to the day that they get this all straightened out because as I said, when it works it looks great. Wound up back on 2020 again later and had a good flight.

It's amazing as they seem to have no shame after this fiasco, just excuses. Imagine if a real airline operated this way! Oh, all those people died in those crashes but don't worry, we'll give out free drinks for a month to those customers that managed to survive. Can you tell my fuse has been burnt out lol.

Well it still has some issues, I guess I've had really good luck compared to others. I did wait until after the initial rush had died down, and the first "fix" was released before buying it. I haven't had any crashes, and my overall performance is at least on par if not better than MSFS2020 with virtually the same settings. Every now and then I'll experience a weird performance "bog down" issue, but I back out to the graphics page and reset my LOD and TLOD settings and it clears it up. I find I'm way more "engaged" with MSFS2024 than I ever was with MSFS2020. I loved FS20 for what it was, and thought it would be hard to beat. However, the general immersion factor in FS24 is WAY higher for me due to it's increased graphics complexity. Having said that, I believe that the Asobo team has been on a holiday break, and there hasn't been any updates of note since that first fix came out. I also believe they're supposed to released an update to it in January. If that's the case, I'd recommend waiting to buy it until after that, unless you can spend a lot of time learning all the new stuff and customizing it to your liking.
It depends on what you're wanting to do with it.

For just "fly around and look at stuff" or VFR flying, it's probably better than MSFS, but the career mode is still a complete dumpster fire (and probably always will be), there's still a massive number of bugs in the default aircraft (several of which introduce new bugs that aren't in the FS2020 versions), and it's the same "pants on head stupid" default ATC, so that's no different from MSFS.

Currently, the marketplace is still disabled, imported content from MSFS is various levels of broken (including the local legends/frequent flyers), and due to changes with how files are encrypted and stored (and Asobo removing the ability to quickly reload something to test changes) 3rd party fixes the default airplanes are either difficult or impossible.

Basically MSFS is better than it was at launch, but it's still in a state where it probably shouldn't have been released.
Well it still has some issues, I guess I've had really good luck compared to others. I did wait until after the initial rush had died down, and the first "fix" was released before buying it. I haven't had any crashes, and my overall performance is at least on par if not better than MSFS2020 with virtually the same settings. Every now and then I'll experience a weird performance "bog down" issue, but I back out to the graphics page and reset my LOD and TLOD settings and it clears it up. I find I'm way more "engaged" with MSFS2024 than I ever was with MSFS2020. I loved FS20 for what it was, and thought it would be hard to beat. However, the general immersion factor in FS24 is WAY higher for me due to it's increased graphics complexity. Having said that, I believe that the Asobo team has been on a holiday break, and there hasn't been any updates of note since that first fix came out. I also believe they're supposed to released an update to it in January. If that's the case, I'd recommend waiting to buy it until after that, unless you can spend a lot of time learning all the new stuff and customizing it to your liking.
Too late to edit, so a couple of changes. LOD should have been OLOD. Also, I don't mean to imply I'm not having other issues that Asobo needs to address. It does bother me that so many people are having so many issues that should have been fixed prior to launch. But for me, it's not the dumpster fire that some people seem to be experiencing.
I guess you either 'click' with the sim or you don't - I'm the same with X-Plane. I've tried every demo version since XP4 and wanted to like them all, but they just haven't grabbed my attention enough to lure me away from FS9, FSX or MSFS over the years.
I have had decent luck making the sim go and it has been pretty reliable. Perhaps I am more tolerant of it's foibles just because I have several projects which are commercial that I am banging away on and have no choice but to make it work. That it is sometimes a moving target on shifting sands cause the occasional (or more often) oath. Bindings has been a frustration with a plethora of imbedded ones sometimes causing issues. An example is a switch I have assigned to lowering the gear is a default "engine auto stop". So every time near destination the engines would mysteriously quit. There are others: There is no "open/close canopy" but when I tool tip it open all the flight instruments freeze, not to be unfrozen. So far jetways not working and you may find gates occupied by Cessna's and gliders. The copious ground traffic seems on a suicide mission as you taxi.

It's not insurmountable, but if you just want to continue what you were doing in 2020, maybe it's not there yet.
Thanks for the heads up. I bought it pre-release, but still haven't installed it. I think I'll wait to see how the January patch goes and decide then.
I keep coming over here to see threads like this as I uninstalled 2024 due to too many issues and not enough time to get it up and running, but the mad thing is that things like AI traffic worked quite well in FSX and here we are 14 years later! As Priller suggests, upgrading 2020 would have been better and was the original plan (10 year development cycle advertised at the beginning), but this approach probably makes more money.

That said, I've lost some interest in both flight sims now because of this. 2020 won't continue to get upgrades such as PG scenery (or will it?) and 2024 is still in beta!
I have no choice because of projects, and the sim works well in limited ways, just not the planes we want working as we wish quite yet. For developers it's a moving target. Bindings are frustrating as I keep getting them borked every time there is an update or the phase of the moon changes.
I am going to say my experience is improving. I need to spend more time with it, instead of doing other non-flightsim related stuff. After the update today, my one quick flight did seem better. I need to read the changelog to see what was fixed. I did have to do an uninstall/reinstall again, which took less than 5 minutes. Of the three updates so far, I've had to do the uninstall/reinstall twice. I saved a copy of my user.cfg which I used to keep track of my community folder. I think it holds the control bindings list also, as mine were kept after reinstall and replacing the cfg.
Wah hail! Yet awarded the new user participation trophy. Maybe 5th to 6th time? Get to re do all the settings, again!
Wah hail! Yet awarded the new user participation trophy. Maybe 5th to 6th time? Get to re do all the settings, again!
Tom, here's something to try. When you get your sim working close to what you want, go here C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe\SystemAppData\wgs and make a copy of your "wgs" folder. This is where your control settings are. Something to try.
Last time I tried (two days ago) I spent way too much time getting it going (again) and had more issues time that flight time. I'll never understand the controls set up. Who the heck developed that! Went back to 2020.

Last time I tried (two days ago) I spent way too much time getting it going (again) and had more issues time that flight time. I'll never understand the controls set up. Who the heck developed that! Went back to 2020.

I gave up on the controls within FS24. I erased just about everything and went for SpadNxt simply because I had not tried that in the last 40 years of FS flying. FSUIPC does work as well but with 24 not quite as well IMHO.
For what I have, HC Alpha and Bravo, a 3-lever saitek quadrant and CH-pedals (they are really long overdue but they still work) I found an online configuration that works good and I modified it to fit my needs.

Within the sim I only left some of the keyboard commands, but even those are totally stupid or at the very least inconsistent for someone like me who has been using FS for decades.
Good to see progress in the new sim, but perhaps I will hold off for a few more months before jumping in on my PC.

XBox Forza Horizon 5 on the big screen is currently filling in the boredom gap, lol !