How Stupid and M$FS 2024 get?


I fired up 2024 and loaded the RV-8, an airplane I have flown many times in 2024. I loaded as I usually do, ready to fly at KARA on Rwy 35. And what does the stupid UnAI do? It loads me in the floatplane waterway that parallels 35. Me (I know that is a grammarly incorrect pronoun, but it sounds better in this instance.) and my RV-8 are sitting in water. This has never happen before.

So, I kill the flight reload and select the Daher TBM 930, a default M$ airplane. Same thing, me and my now four million USD airplane are sitting in the water. Go figure.
That is why I always pick a start location on the ramp. I never just hop in the airplane, since the only aircraft I ever left on the runway was our Archer after I dead-sticked her in for a nice landing but did not quite have the energy to roll out onto the taxiway.
Plus I seriously needed a Cigarette after that experience ;)
I bet. I had to make a few emergency landings. Once in pilot training and two barrier catches in the F-4. You are always calm, cool, and collected during the emergency. However, afterwards the adrenaline kicks in.
Good training gives you both a degree of cool and a course of action. Real emergencies are often less stressful at the time. I remember getting out of the sim and the very next day I am getting a line check JFK-ORD 747-400. Shortly after takeoff we get an engine fire, #4.
Good training gives you both a degree of cool and a course of action. Real emergencies are often less stressful at the time. I remember getting out of the sim and the very next day I am getting a line check JFK-ORD 747-400. Shortly after takeoff we get an engine fire, #4.
It is almost eerie how calm you can be in an emergency. Like you said, your training kicks in and you become detached from everything else but what you need to do.
Both 2020 and 2024 sure to an extent (2024 is worse) annoying ground vehicles which will drive right down the center of the taxiway and run right into you. 2024 has annoying inappropriate aircraft such as gliders and Cessna's parked at many of the gates. It will spawn an aircraft at a gate just as you try to taxi in!.

As to the above discussion on emergencies and stress, I the most of the weak sisters get weeded out.
Yesterday, I couldn't figure out how to get into the airplane from a C&D setup. The airplane spawned with two pilots already inside. I used my x-box controller to walk up and unlock the door. However, it wouldn't open. Zooming into the airplane didn't help. None of the controls would work.

How stupid is that? I think I will shelve 2024 as a dismal attempt to try and do too much, so nothing is done right. Maybe after two or ten updates, it will be workable. I just hope I live that long.
Yesterday, I couldn't figure out how to get into the airplane from a C&D setup. The airplane spawned with two pilots already inside. I used my x-box controller to walk up and unlock the door. However, it wouldn't open. Zooming into the airplane didn't help. None of the controls would work.

How stupid is that? I think I will shelve 2024 as a dismal attempt to try and do too much, so nothing is done right. Maybe after two or ten updates, it will be workable. I just hope I live that long.
I've run across 1 or 2 aircraft so far that you can't get inside of and with the only option to do a runway start. I'm hoping there is some sort of .cfg entry folks eventually figure out to fix that.

Yesterday, I couldn't figure out how to get into the airplane from a C&D setup.

The default command is "Take control of character" and it's bound to keyboard Shift+C but you could also assign a controller button to it in the Settings menu.
Pressing Shift+C 'beams' you into the cockpit from outside, or outside from in the cockpit, like a toggle switch effect.
The default command is "Take control of character" and it's bound to keyboard Shift+C but you could also assign a controller button to it in the Settings menu.
Pressing Shift+C 'beams' you into the cockpit from outside, or outside from in the cockpit, like a toggle switch effect.
Thank you for that info. I will try that. I have found the X-Box controller to be perfect for walking around. Now, I will set one of the buttons for SHIFT-C.
When selecting to takeoff from a runway, FS2024 will show in preview the plane holding to join the runway at the OPPOSITE end. Why? The selected runway direction is announced correctly, and the plane is set in the proper selected direction when the final "Ready to Fly" is pressed.
Oh, the other day I went to start a flight, left the room for 5 minutes, and came back to see the preview showing the plane flying over the runway at the airport. But once I clicked the Ready button it was suddenly back on the runway.
Oh, the other day I went to start a flight, left the room for 5 minutes, and came back to see the preview showing the plane flying over the runway at the airport. But once I clicked the Ready button it was suddenly back on the runway.
That was so you could board.