How to access FS9 menu bar without pausing the sim


Staff member
I've noticed in FSX while flying you can click on the menu bar at the top of the screen to change views or set up a new window and the sim will keep running. If you attempt that in FS9 it will automatically pause the sim. Is there any way to eliminate the automatic pause in FS9 so you don't have to un-pause it when you've made your menu selection?
I've noticed in FSX while flying you can click on the menu bar at the top of the screen to change views or set up a new window and the sim will keep running. If you attempt that in FS9 it will automatically pause the sim. Is there any way to eliminate the automatic pause in FS9 so you don't have to un-pause it when you've made your menu selection?

Umm can't remember exactly, but there's a line you can add in the fs9.cfg file.
something like 'pause on task swap=1/0"


From the instructions for AFCAD, to allow you to toggle between AFCAD and FS9 without pausing FS9:

"On the FS Settings / General window, un-check the setting ‘Pause on task switch’."

I can't find that line in the FS9.cfg file, or anything quite like it, so it must use different language, but that's how you do it from within the sim.

If it will allow you to inactivate the FS window without a pause, I suppose it would let you look at the menus without a pause.
Pete has it but you can also set it in the sim.

Open sim, click General, Click Settings and there it is.
Thank you guys for the responses. :encouragement: I tried un-checking the "Pause on task switch" box. That allows you to keep flying while you open another window, like if you wanted to bring up AFCAD, or check your Facebook page, or compare a profile drawing to your airplane. It has no effect on the top menu bar, as soon as you hit ALT or click a menu the sim pauses. I guess it's just the way FS9 works, but at least now I know what the "Pause on task switch" box does. :biggrin-new: