How to Enable Ambient Sounds?


Charter Member
Hi guys,

I use a lot of community created aircraft (almost entirely community created) and many have their own custom sound folder. On a number of them (maybe 25% of them) when the plane is at the gate with the engines off there is only dead silence from the external spot view. The typical sounds you get (including the default planes) is some wind and something that sounds like the cord on a flag pole gently tapping the flagpole in the wind (best I can describe it).

I have a basic understanding of the sound folder and sound.cfg and can change things around a bit. And I see different versions of "wind" wav files in the sound folders. But when I play these "wind" wave files they never have the "line tapping the flagpole" sound but rather a wind sound for when the plane is in motion. So no matter what I do to try to add ambient sounds to a plane that doesn't have them I can't. I just don't understand where these ambient sounds are coming from.

So need some help in understanding where the ambient sounds are coming from and how to enable them on planes that don't have them if possible.

Hi guys,

I use a lot of community created aircraft (almost entirely community created) and many have their own custom sound folder. On a number of them (maybe 25% of them) when the plane is at the gate with the engines off there is only dead silence from the external spot view. The typical sounds you get (including the default planes) is some wind and something that sounds like the cord on a flag pole gently tapping the flagpole in the wind (best I can describe it).

I have a basic understanding of the sound folder and sound.cfg and can change things around a bit. And I see different versions of "wind" wav files in the sound folders. But when I play these "wind" wave files they never have the "line tapping the flagpole" sound but rather a wind sound for when the plane is in motion. So no matter what I do to try to add ambient sounds to a plane that doesn't have them I can't. I just don't understand where these ambient sounds are coming from.

So need some help in understanding where the ambient sounds are coming from and how to enable them on planes that don't have them if possible.


Kodiak; You're looking in the right direction.

As you say; these 'ambient' sounds often come from the 'wind' section.
You may also have sound coming through from ground roll entries also.

I inadvertently did this a few days ago while working on the Grumman Mallard's PW R-1340's.
When trying to boost up the 'water' sounds for stationary realism, the penalty was a very faint but annoying rumble when on ground surfaces (water comes under the ground roll section).

Eventually, I resorted to a minimum ground speed sound setting of around 7 - 8 knots.
So 0 isn't always ZERO in sounds, LOL.

If the sound persists, try isolating each sound. wav until you discover the offender.

Hope this helps :)
Or you could try this (attached).

Just put the exe file and the two sound files in a folder located anywhere on your computer, and make a shortcut from the exe file to your FS menu, wherever you click to start FS or GW. When you start the program, the sounds will play whenever FS is running and the engine(s) on your aircraft is/are stopped.

It feels most appropriate at smaller airports, since the sounds are mainly natural ones. You won't hear any heavy traffic noises like vehicles or aircraft, mostly birds and stuff like you might hear at a smaller airport. But even big airports have birds, so it's better than silence even at big airports.

I have no idea where I got this program. There is no ReadMe file, no credits, and when I open the zip file no FlightSin or AvSim placard leaps out at me. It doesn't come up on a search at SimV, so that means I probably found it here, since those are the only four sites I check with any regularity. It doesn't turn up in a search of the library here either, but I've never had much luck finding things in the SOH library.
I'm glad to see this cool little program resurface. It was created by Jose Oliviera and Jorge Filipe. I created my own sound files for this program to be used with ACG's masterful Duxford scenery. The scenery depicts an airshow at Duxford Imperial War Museum, so my files (which I created using a quality multitrack program for recording music) are HERE in the SOH library under "FS 2004 Sounds". I'm very pleased with the result. The airshow ambiance is complete with nature sounds, crowd noise, distant music, and the best part - stereo flypasts!! Lots of ear "candy" taken from high quality YouTube footage of WWII fighters and bombers flying past.

It can be utilized with any scenery really but, fire it up at Duxford and go take the Real Air Spitfire for a demonstration!

Another option is to track down a copy of Lago's FSEnhancer. It's basically an 'instant scenery' type program long before that program existed, but it has the bonus of being able to place sound files. You can localise sounds with complete control, so, say you have a runway beside a stream, you can add a running water sound that you can hear when you get near it. You can add vehicle noises and than add a vehicle track, with, say, a tractor running round a near by field. Animated vehicles and sound to boot.

If you have the FS9 version of Heli traffic which (unlike the FSX version) has no sound for AI helos, you can use this to add localised relevant noise. It might not coinside with the traffic movements though, lol.

Not currently for sale, but some creative Amazon/ebay searching can turn up results.

Bill and Lyn Lyons used it with their 'Custom Classics' scenery so they are already set up with localised ambient noise.

This is some great information, guys.

I've just downloaded the ambient sound mods you posted which will give me an instant (and probably better) fix. Plus I'll keep poking at the real cause of the missing ambient sounds, as I love a mystery :adoration:

Anyone else who happens by this thread with some info please share!