How to enable time acelleration in P3?


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Hi there,

I just wondered if it is still possible to activate time acceleration in BHaH. Formerly you had to edit a file called OFF.bat and then you could accelerate the time by pressing Ctrl-Shift-e and Ctrl-Shift-r to go back to normal time.

But in P3, I can't find a file called OFF.bat anymore, nor can I locate the shell.exe referenced in that file...

Any suggestions?
Cntrl-Shift-E for increasing
Cntrl-Shift-R for decrease
Just Offhand: in Phase 2, we were instructed on the method in the FAQ.

In Phase 3, look in the FAQ for instructions. If you can do it, that'll tell you how :ernae:
I installed P3 with an installed CFS3 as I don't have a version 3.1 set of disks. Even though I did what I thought was a complete uninstall of P2 and CFS3 before I reinstalled CFS3 and installed P3, I still had the time compress feature. The other day I unplugged everything off my computer to open it up and give it a good cleaning on the inside. When I put everything back windows reloaded my joystick drivers when I plugged in my joystick (USB). Then when I went back into the game my joystick setting were all gone and I no longer had my time compress feature. I got the joystick settings reprogramed but I'm still missing the time compress. Anyone remember how to enable that?
