How To Get The CV580 panel FS9 GPS to work

casey jones

Charter Member
I D/L Mr Tom Gibson;s Panel for FS9 for my Convair 580 twin
turbo prop from Cal classis site the panel is what I like but
when I press the GPS Icon on the panel the GPS will not
work, I do have a Panel designer for FS9/FSX but I do noy know
how to make the GPS Icon work with the GPS window, I can
put the panel into the CV580 FS9 panel but I don't know how to
make it swicht off when pushing the GPS ICON on the panel.

Thanks For Any Help

The default GPS icon button only opens the gps pop up window, if the gps is in view, put your mouse 'arrow' over it, right clicky the mouse, then select 'close window' should work.

There are a couple of 'tweeked' Gps button gauges that will both open and close the gps pop up, time for a rummage....


Just a thought... The button icon on the panel is a gauge programmed to bring up a GPS, presumably the stock one. But it might possibly be a modified version that brings up a different GPS, one of the numerous add-on ones, perhaps one that you don't have.

Maybe... ????

To test that possibility, do you have a different Simicons version that you could substitute the GPS icon from and see if it works?

Is it possible that you don't have the stock GPS? If that's the case, just grab it from the installation CD-ROMs.

I know these possibilities are unlikely, but they're not impossible. FS is pretty weird and stranger things have happened.

the default FS9 GPS should open by pushing the icon.

Look inside your Gauges folder if the following .cab files are present:


Have a look at your original panel.cfg (inside Aircraft/580panel). Search for errors:

[Window Titles]

gauge36=SimIcons1024!GPS Icon, 65,611,27,27

window_size= 0.290, 0.290
window_pos= 0.700, 0.270

gauge00=fs9gps!gps_295, 3,39,506,329
gauge01=Beech_Baron!NAV GPS Switch, 471,1,38,88

If everything is there exactly as stated above the default GPS 295 should open.