I do not want to screw up my ETO Expansion.. How do I install a 2nd copy of cfs3, so I can modify it.

46_trap, ETO will be OK, even if you delete your current CFS3 install and install another one.
Also, you can keep the first CFS3 install and do this:
1. Simply copy the install to the same default location (I am assuming that is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games). Note: Do not attempt to run the new CFS3 install copy at this time!
2. You have a choice here:
a. Go into your CFS3 ETO Expansion main game folde rand look for a file named "multicfs3.exe". Then Copy (do not Cut) and Paste it into the copy of your CFS3 install you just made, then run the multicfs3.exe from the new install copy. This will allow you to change the name of the install to what ever you choose, just as long as it is no longer than this: Combat Flight Simulator 3.0
b. You could also go here to get the very same multicfs3.exe:
http://www.mnwright.btinternet.co.uk/. Once you get there just follow this path: CFS3/Utilities/Multi Install/MultiCFS3 (simply click on the yellow dot to download). After downloading, simply extract it, paste a copy of it into you CFS3 install copy, then run it as described above.
3. You will note at this point that your new main gaim folder will have the name of "Copy of Combat Flight Simulator 3". You should change this name to properly reflect the name to which you changed the install with the use of the multicfs3.exe.
4. After you have changed the name on the new main game folder, go into that newly-renamed folder and look for a file named "cfs3.exe". Simply rename this file to reflect your new install name, but be careful not to harm the ".exe" part. Now right-click on this newly renamed cfs3.exe icon and send it to the desktop as a shortcut.
You should be good to go, with tweo CFS3 installs, one to mod and the other leave vanilla, and one fully-functional ETO install.:d