How to make B-17 & B-24 contrail effect?


Charter Member
[ASK] How to make B-17 & B-24 contrail effect?

I see there's addons about this but i can't use it on firepower B-17 / B-24
How to make B-17 & B-24 firepower contrail effect like this?


Thanks before

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In the xdp file you have

<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_r"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_l"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine1" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng1_exh_l"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine1" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng1_exh_r"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine2" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng2_exh_r"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine2" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng2_exh_l"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine3" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng3_exh_l"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine3" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng3_exh_r"/>

Just add these lines to the effects file (cjeck to see if they are there already)

<bomber_contrail_1 ClassName="TrackEffect" FlatTrack="0" Lifetime="0" InitialDelay="0" ParticleLifetime="30" FadeInTime=".25" FadeOutTime="2.5" PosX="0" PosY="0" PosZ="0" CountSegments="1600" SegmentLength="10" Width="1.4" WidthGrow="1.5" InitialAlpha="0" InitialColor="255 255 255" Alpha=".20" Color="255 255 255" FinalAlpha="0" FinalColor="255 255 255" BlendMode="QuadSprite" Texture="" ZBias=".03"/>
<bomber_contrail_2 ClassName="TrackEffect" FlatTrack="0" Lifetime="0" InitialDelay="0" ParticleLifetime="35" FadeInTime=".25" FadeOutTime="2" PosX="0" PosY="0" PosZ="0" CountSegments="1600" SegmentLength="10" Width="5.6" WidthGrow="1.5" InitialAlpha="0" InitialColor="255 255 255" Alpha=".40" Color="255 255 255" FinalAlpha="0" FinalColor="255 255 255" BlendMode="QuadSprite" Texture="" ZBias=".03"/>
<fx_bomber_contrail ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="bomber_contrail_1" Effect1="bomber_contrail_2"/>

Then add these lines to the xdp file for each plane in the effects section

<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_r"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_l"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine1" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng1_exh_l"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine1" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng1_exh_r"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine2" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng2_exh_r"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine2" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng2_exh_l"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine3" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng3_exh_l"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine3" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng3_exh_r"/>

Or something like that depending upon the structure of the FP effects section. But you will need the three lines to add to the effcts file if not there already and just look at the effects section of the xdp to see what you need to modify.
The unfortunate thing is we have no way of controlling them based on altitude, so you still see them when the plane is at low altitude as well.
Hi All,

for some effects you can use a speed range for which a given effect will show. for the contrails you could set them up so that they come on at around best cruise speed, this would mean they would only come on once you finished your climb and got into level flight and hit the base limit set in the effect (210 in the case below) then if you set the upper limit to just marginally above the base limit (say 230 as in the case below) you would see the contrails come on around 210 but go off if you dropped under this or if you hit the upper limit. so if you were to say dive from hieght your speed goes up and the contrails go off. or if you were to bank hard and wash off speed you would see the contrails stop.

It also means when your coming in to land etc becuase your below the best cruising speed you would not see the contrails.

<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_r" MinVel="210" MaxVel="230"></Effect>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_l" MinVel="210" MaxVel="230"></Effect>
<Effect Type="StartEngine1" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng1_exh_l" MinVel="210" MaxVel="230"></Effect>
<Effect Type="StartEngine1" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng1_exh_r" MinVel="210" MaxVel="230"></Effect>
<Effect Type="StartEngine2" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng2_exh_r" MinVel="210" MaxVel="230"></Effect>
<Effect Type="StartEngine2" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng2_exh_l" MinVel="210" MaxVel="230"></Effect>
<Effect Type="StartEngine3" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng3_exh_l" MinVel="210" MaxVel="230"></Effect>
<Effect Type="StartEngine3" EffectName="fx_bomber_contrail" Location="emitter_eng3_exh_r" MinVel="210" MaxVel="230"></Effect>

I do this for wing tip vortacies and engine exhaust flames in an effort to simulate various scenarios that induce such effects in real life. for exhaust flames I have them show at very low speeds after engine start to simulate a rich start, then they drop off, then I have them come in at various speeds to simulate various atmospheric cnditions at altitude that leads to blue flames.

anyway thats one alternative to constant effects.

regards Rob.

PS those values of 210 and 230 are just ppure guesses you woul dneed to experiment to find out what values fit the plane in question.