How to make my fav planes into AI planes?


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I think I'm - slowly - getting the knack of AI. Even got a couple of C-123's, OV-10's, F4's and the like to show up, and even take of from, Da Nang. But with a great impact on FP's, as they are 'the real ones'. So I took 'em of schedule again . . .

So, how to make my 'real' planes into AI planes? How much can I 'dismantle' from the original plane to make 'em frame rate friendly. Like, I guess a have to/can get rid of the panel folder?

I have tried to track down a 'How To . . . Tutorial', but 'only' managed to get some tutorials about how to make flight plans and the like.
Depending on the plane you use you will have some kind of Frame rate hit.

To minimize this edit the aircraft.cfg

Lets use Premier Aircraft Designs DHC-5 as an example

Lets add another entry to the list by coping the [fltsim.0] section

Change the Title name to add AI in the front

Point the panel to a folder that does not exists or has only a bmp of solid black in it. This way when your sim generates the aircraft it is not loading all of the gauges in the panel

Do the same with the Sound folder

Now because we did not make any changes to the air file this plane will show up in our list of aircraft to fly. Add AI_ to the Variation so you will know this is your AI version of the plane.

Textures: copy your texture folder and rename it AI_XXX. XXX is not porn it defines the variable that is the original name of the folder. Use DXTBmp by Martin Wright to change all of the Textures to DX3. There are some other utilities that will change all of the files in a folder but I don't use them. Someone else can point you to them.

This is still the full model with in some cases a lot of polys to draw and will still cause a frame rate hit. Their really is no way around this one unless the developer created an AI version. Like the AI version of the A-26.

I used a variation of this method with the SectionF8 Sabre when it came out. In this instance I copied the whole aircraft folder and edited the aircraft.cfg to change the title then just deleted the panel and sound folders. I then put all twelve aircraft at one airport (after I added Parking). I set them all to take off at the same time. (Sweet) The frame rate hit I knew was going to be Big but I wanted to see how my system would handle it. Frame rates with all of the aircraft on the ground were 7. Once they all started moving to take off it crashed the sim (CTD). I knew it would be bad but still I laughed when it crashed. I cut the planes down to three.

Good luck

title=AI_Buffalo_Canadian Forces S & R
atc_airline=Air Force
ui_manufacturer=de Havilland
ui_type=DHC-5 BUFFALO
ui_variation=AI_Canada Search & Rescue
ui_typerole="Twin Engine TurboProp"
ui_createdby="Premier Aircraft Design"
description=Modified for AI de Havilland Canada DHC-5\nTwin Turboprop STOL transport\nVisit the Premier Aircraft Design Web Site\\nAll Files Copyright 2008
There is a way.If you have AI that you don't want to use,open the CFG.file of the AI plane you want you replace it with. Copy the title of the AI plane and past it over the title of the plane you want to fly as AI. Then go back to the CFG. file of the AI you no longer wish to useand type ( NOAI ) at the end of line.Should look something like this

title=Boeing 737-400 NOAI Then click save on both CFG. files and close. If you Questions you can Email me at Merry Christmas.
You can make the most changes and get the most beneficial effect if you make a whole new AI version of the plane. Copy the aircraft folder and add AI to the folder name. (If you always put the AI at the beginning, all your AI planes will sit together in your main FS Aircraft folder.)

Add AI to the Title and Variation lines, as Dave suggested, so the sim (and you) can tell the flyable plane and the AI plane apart.

Open the AIR file of the AI version (with AIRedit) and change the Aircraft Type from 0 to 2. That will keep the AI version from showing up on your Select Aircraft menu.

Some claim you can reduce the frame rate hit by removing the VC with a hex editor, but many others say it doesn't matter, since the VC view will never be called up for an AI plane.

While it's probably not worthwhile to remove the VC from the model (which is why I'm not including instructions) it is worthwhile to remove the VC textures from each texture folder. While you're at it, remove any textures that only color the interior and won't be visible in external view.

Remove the panel and sound folders. Obviously an AI plane doesn't need a panel. Less obviously, it doesn't need sounds either. That's because all AI planes take their sounds from a set of sounds in the main FS Sound folder.

Another advantage of making a dedicated AI version is that if it doesn't fly properly you can substitute the flight model files from a plane that does work right as an AI plane. To do that, find a plane that works well as AI and that's similar in these characteristics: type of power (prop or jet,) number of engines, nose wheel or tail wheel. Copy the aircraft.cfg and air file from that plane; they'll become the new flight dynamics files for your AI plane. From the AI plane's old, original aircraft.cfg files copy and substitute the following sections: contact points, lights, and the user interface ("[flightsim.#]") sections for the paints you want to use.
Thank you

*phew* Thank you guys, for these very thorough instructions. Gives me a very solid platform to start from.

Thank you, once again :)
Another thing.

Get a copy of the fave texture pack you would use, make sure all are DXT3 format or less (none to be 888-8 32bit), then resize then to half their size. If they are 1024 square, make then 512.. If 512, make them 256 square. Then create a new registry entry for that texture pack, and use 'that' one for an AI bird. This will help with frame rates immensely.

Remember, you will only see these from a distance.

I have a blast myself with doing AI of my fave planes. But if you load up an airfield with high detail planes, you will get hit with frame rate jolts, at least when you scan around and the planes come into view, you'll get a moment where the screen freezes for a moment. But if you can live with it, its cool. Also, redo the textures as stated, and that will help tremendously.

Also, I dont think taking the VC out of them works well. Its all in exterior views. I think VC mode is a different 'section' of FS. With AI, its not 'along for the ride' in the exterior view mode. (hard to explain, but I could be wrong... )

I would like to know what this new program is called AI Soft.. Supposedly helps out traffic to function more properly.

I just cheated on AI, I altered all the default planes too models that i wanted. I altered everything but the default names, and heres a cuople of piccies from my vietnam setup that i am currently working on.
Another advantage of making a dedicated AI version is that if it doesn't fly properly you can substitute the flight model files from a plane that does work right as an AI plane. To do that, find a plane that works well as AI and that's similar in these characteristics: type of power (prop or jet,) number of engines, nose wheel or tail wheel. Copy the aircraft.cfg and air file from that plane; they'll become the new flight dynamics files for your AI plane. From the AI plane's old, original aircraft.cfg files copy and substitute the following sections: contact points, lights, and the user interface ("[flightsim.#]") sections for the paints you want to use.

I forgot about swapping air files that is a good thing to know.

Making a separate folder and making all of the aircraft in it AI is the way to go.

The real problem with messing around with AI is once you get started you find you need to learn how to use AFCAD to add parking to airports that don't have any.

Then you need longer runway.

Then some Buildings....

and a whole new airport that does not exists in the default FS9.

Just one big snow ball. :icon_lol: