I have a plane, piston powered, that has too much power at idle. It's almost impossible to lose altitude on approach and it's difficult to stop when taxiing despite adequate braking power.
I suppose it's just a matter of adjusting some figure or other in the aircraft.cfg file, but I don't see anything that looks like the obvious choice.
I'm sure someone here knows what needs to be done...
You do not specify the aircraft so I can only guess at some possible easy fixes. It sounds like it may be a turboprop with the taxi issue.
1) If it is a TP engine, ensure you are pulling your prop condition lever back to ground fine for ground ops. This would be your mixture lever on a piston aircraft.
2) Assuming it's a variable pitch prop, ensure that the min_beta in the propeller section is 15 or less. If 15, drop it o 12 and try that.
3) If that does not help, look in the cfg flight tuning section and raise the value of the drag parameters by .1 at a time; SP a 1.0 becomes a 1.1, etc.
Recognize that this will also decrease your top speed so its not the best option, just easier.
4) You can also increase idle friction in the tuning section to lower your idle speed, again .1 (10%) at a time.
5) Also ensure that when descending, you pull the prop back as far as specs allow. TP can be pulled all the way back to flight idle. Pistons must maintain a minimum MAP to prevent shock cooling or carb freeze.
Not at home so I cannot be more specific.
Hope this helps.