how to repair and refuel after landing?



It has been a long time since I've used CFS3 mainly I just got a computer that can run it smoothly.

For the life of me I cannot figure out how to rearm,refuel, and repair my aircraft after I've landed. Is this possible in quick combat?

I am mainly playing around with quick combat for training purposes, and quite honestly unlimited ammo gets old. I like the challenge of running out of ammo and taking damage to try and come back to the base and repair the aircraft. I would like to do this in the quick combat mode.

Thanks for your time,

Fraid not... but it would be so cool in ANY combat flight sim!!!!

...Oh and welcome back BTW
This jangled some old memory cells so I looked at my keyboard command chart and there is a Shift+J which is " refill selected payload"? what it does or in what context I have no idea!
This jangled some old memory cells so I looked at my keyboard command chart and there is a Shift+J which is " refill selected payload"? what it does or in what context I have no idea!

Sir Beau

It is true, but "Shift+J" works only for "unlimited ammo" settings.
I started in this forum with this very question, about 2 years ago. It'd be SO cool to rearm and refuel to play BoB!...:kilroy:
The gun ammo is unlimited when this option is selected. Only payload may be reloaded (I guess this allows for more realism after bomb release). Maybe some guru here could strip the aircraft from gun and fuel, and add this as payload. This way you could land, then hit reload ... while the ennemy flys over you !
The gun ammo is unlimited when this option is selected. Only payload may be reloaded (I guess this allows for more realism after bomb release). Maybe some guru here could strip the aircraft from gun and fuel, and add this as payload. This way you could land, then hit reload ... while the ennemy flys over you !

Oh i really like this idea, I think it is great. Wish I was that guru
I always wanted this to be possible for multi player games in stead of 20 spitfires flying in circles with tracers spewing out the whole the players just taped their triggers down.
lately with all these anti ship missons I've been flying, I'm just glad to get back at all!:ernae:
Yahoo--Go on-Line--


Hi Carlos and Old Crow, Carlos welcome back into CFS3.

Read other threads and find out all the good happenings around these days.:ernae: These add ons are fantastic.

Yes !!, you can run games with Limited ammo, guys are doing this in the on-line Games they host, it does concentrate the mind allright as on-line players are very hard to hit and as for landing and re-arming, you will never last to do that on-line, you'll be blasted landing or taxying even if you aren't badly damaged up to that point.

You are right to want the facility though, missions and stand alone computers games, it would make you work all right.

But on-line play is where you live or die, it's brutal and thorough and takes time for most folks to get used to it all, apart from the Latency problem which we all learn to live with in it's various forms, like your enemies flying sideways backwards, hovering, underground flying( don't follow them, you will crash ) and players flying across front of you shooting you down--LOL. To be in an on-line dogfight with 10 players is absolute mayhem and will test you to your limits unless you are a natural wonder CFS3 flyer.

But for out and out aggressive -naked -full blast combat, try CFS3 on-line, expect to be blasted out of the sky regularly and you won't be disappointed. That is limited and un-limited ammo games, they are both very demanding.

Hope to see you in there guys, I've a Spitfire to patch and repair now before to-nites deadly dose again, ----LOL :173go1::bump:

Bill T.
rearm and refuel--------is possible

o-1 Driver taught me this little trick a few yrs back and it works very well.
here is how it works for multi play missions.
make the mission as you would normally make it with 16 seats.
then,a few miles from home base at 5000 feet altitude place a flight of 7 same aircraft as your flights of 8 and give them three waypoints in a triangular with the second waypont set to loiter for 59 min.
make a second set of 7 same aircraft away from the first set of seven in the general area of the home base and give them a triangulsr route with the second waypoint set to loiter for 59 min. as well.
the pilots entering the game only select aircraft from the flights with 8 aircraft.
make sure your contact with the enemy aircraft is both higher and away from the loitering planes.then,when you are out of ammo,fly to your home field and land. come to a complete stop and hit control/shift/k and it will then respawn you in one of the loiter planes at 5000 feet and you can then fly back to the action.
i have used this in missions for O.F.F. and it works very well.
i no longer fly either cfs-3 or off but still like reading the posts here from time to time.
hope this works for you. if you have any questions ill check back tomorrow.
Yeah, it is certainly interesting for MP. However I imagine if we could do as in other sim I once knew (F22, I guess), where, to complete your mission , you had to land, make a complete stop and press something to reload and refuel. Of course, be hit while doing this would only add to the immersion factor...
o-1 Driver taught me this little trick a few yrs back and it works very well.
here is how it works for multi play missions.
make the mission as you would normally make it with 16 seats.
then,a few miles from home base at 5000 feet altitude place a flight of 7 same aircraft as your flights of 8 and give them three waypoints in a triangular with the second waypont set to loiter for 59 min.
make a second set of 7 same aircraft away from the first set of seven in the general area of the home base and give them a triangulsr route with the second waypoint set to loiter for 59 min. as well.
the pilots entering the game only select aircraft from the flights with 8 aircraft.
make sure your contact with the enemy aircraft is both higher and away from the loitering planes.then,when you are out of ammo,fly to your home field and land. come to a complete stop and hit control/shift/k and it will then respawn you in one of the loiter planes at 5000 feet and you can then fly back to the action.
i have used this in missions for O.F.F. and it works very well.
i no longer fly either cfs-3 or off but still like reading the posts here from time to time.
hope this works for you. if you have any questions ill check back tomorrow.

Nice ta see yer keepin' in touch... all the best to ya!!:applause:

Hi Carlos and Old Crow, Carlos welcome back into CFS3.

Read other threads and find out all the good happenings around these days.:ernae: These add ons are fantastic.

Yes !!, you can run games with Limited ammo, guys are doing this in the on-line Games they host, it does concentrate the mind allright as on-line players are very hard to hit and as for landing and re-arming, you will never last to do that on-line, you'll be blasted landing or taxying even if you aren't badly damaged up to that point.

You are right to want the facility though, missions and stand alone computers games, it would make you work all right.

But on-line play is where you live or die, it's brutal and thorough and takes time for most folks to get used to it all, apart from the Latency problem which we all learn to live with in it's various forms, like your enemies flying sideways backwards, hovering, underground flying( don't follow them, you will crash ) and players flying across front of you shooting you down--LOL. To be in an on-line dogfight with 10 players is absolute mayhem and will test you to your limits unless you are a natural wonder CFS3 flyer.

But for out and out aggressive -naked -full blast combat, try CFS3 on-line, expect to be blasted out of the sky regularly and you won't be disappointed. That is limited and un-limited ammo games, they are both very demanding.

Hope to see you in there guys, I've a Spitfire to patch and repair now before to-nites deadly dose again, ----LOL :173go1::bump:

Bill T.

Oh how I loath those days!

I used to be big into the online combat experience. Matter of fact I used to be in a squadron called the VF20 for CFS2, and I have nothing but fond memories of that experience:

Using padlock to track my enemy, engaging the enemy, getting out of padlock view to check a/s and attitude, all good, back to padlock, keep turning, he's coming onto my gun sights, okay I'm leading, fire now!, darn missed, get out of padlock, where am I at?, a/s good attitude good, enemy bad, he's on my six, dip the nose, I need a/s, call my buddies, get him off me!, wing man performs, I'm back in the fight, back to padlock view, got another boggie, let me get some altitude and energy, track, track, track, sneak up on him, SURPRISE!, i'm back, he's climbing (how dumb :)), I follow, I'm now on a climb, leading again on the gunsights, shoot!, got him, oh he's hurting now, wait a minute, I'm still climbing, my energy went away, get out of padlock, yes its confirmed you're out of speed and can't turn, time for the hammer head, but wait someone's on my six, CRAP!, CLANK, CLANK, CLANK, I'm dead, or at least very seriously hurt.

Like I said nothing but fond memories, but then came the ever hateful MOD's and I started loosing interest. So now couple years later here I am trying to get back in but only concentrating on the computer interaction. I really could not tell anymore who does and does not have mods anymore. And I don't want to ruin those fond memories.

I don't know where I can relearn my experience anymore without people who fly MOD's. I don't mind MOD's but if one is going to use them I think it should be advertised.

Wow, what good times those were, you knew you had a fair fight. Sort of like playing against the computer.

I used to constantly fly online. I was in the BoB squadron. Before then I was always runnin up against the IMS guys in their sessions.

I loved it but it got old. There's too many things about CFS3 online dogfighting that irritated me. Mostly that everyone except me flew Spitfires. I mostly used the Tempest, unless I needed a little help with some of those good pilots, then I had to go Spit also.

I used to host games where I didn't allow Spits and Tempests, I liked it, but noone else seemed too.
Re-arm and re-fuel

There was a sim, based on progressive missions, that would allow you to land and re-fuel and re-arm. The sim was from the early 90's I believe. Can't remember the name but it was so cool. You could return and finish off the job you started.