how to use the Add-Ons section here at SOH


Sorry for this noob post, but i noticed the Add-On section here has changed to a new UI.

However, i can't figure out how to use it. When i click on Add-Ons for Fs2004, it takes me a page which shows the latest 5 files, the forum topics, and users online. The same happens when i click on "Aircraft" under Fs2004 (just shows latest 5 files). Is there a link i'm not seeing or something?

Can someone tell me how to browse the add-ons or search by author?

thanks! :)

*edit* i'm specifically looking for Stefano Meneghini's Fiat G-12. I know it's uploaded to SOH, but i have no idea on how to find it.

FengZ, the download sections are currently being fixed/upgraded so they do not work for the time being

Stephano's G-12 can be found on Do a seach using Stefano Meneghini and it will bring up all of his aircraft...and repaints for them as well.

We're undergoing some major server changes right now so bear with us.

Stephano's G-12 can be found on Do a seach using Stefano Meneghini and it will bring up all of his aircraft...and repaints for them as well.


got it! thanks....didn't know his files were on Flightsim. I thought only Avsim and SOH held his files :)

cool..d/ling now
