Howard 500


Staff member
Seen in the FSX forum:...From Milton

"Thanks for all the comments; greatly appreciated.

We have two more Howard type variants in the paint shop - a Trigear and a taildragger actually based on the Lockheed L-18.

The Trigear is really a sweet ground handler and flyer."

And are us FS9'ers going to get a surprise with these?

Well, one's a Beechcraft & the other is a Lockheed, but they'll do the trick for me.
BTW, the Volpar also had a turbo prop version.. (THAT could be fun), as did the Beech 18!

Now, just imagine.....
Seen in the FSX forum:...From Milton

"Thanks for all the comments; greatly appreciated.

We have two more Howard type variants in the paint shop - a Trigear and a taildragger actually based on the Lockheed L-18.

The Trigear is really a sweet ground handler and flyer."

And are us FS9'ers going to get a surprise with these?


I have no plans to reverse convert these FSX native projects to FS9. Each aircraft would require around 50 hours to do that if all went well. :banghead:

Not saying I won't do it; just no plans at present. Maybe some chance when life gets slow and boring but right now, I am busy with some real world interests.

Thanks for your interest in these rare types. :wavey:
Thanks, Milton, for advising, and another thanks for what you and your team have done to still keep FS2004 alive.

Some of us oldies just cannot, for various reasons, move to other sim platforms, and we really appreciate what you and others have done for us.
