Howard's MIX...the FSX Experience


Retired SOH Admin
Does anyone use this package in FS9? I remember there being some discussion about it when it first came out but can't recall what people thought of it.

Take care to run the installer to a dummy folder because it overwrites textures without asking.

I think I changed some water and cloud textures but liked the overall look of it.
I'll dig out a screenshot.
I ran the installer to a dummy folder....standard operating procedure for any installer as far as I am concerned. I will be using Pablo's HDEv2 for clouds and sky color, a very nice package I found on Simv for lightning effects, Feng Z's Tree Gen. Just looking for better looking ground textures. I have two installs of for Vintage planes and one for Modern stuff. The Vintage install is set up using the ground textures from Bill Lyon's GW3 package. The Modern install was a copy and paste of the Vintage install, then renamed and restocked with planes. If I don't like the look of the Howard's Mix I can always replace everything by copying the files out of the Vintage install.

Good move on the trees - HM tries to be FSX-like and you'll be skimming treetops, then find yourself flying through a bunch of static in-flight BIRDS!
Very disconcerting.
And it wants to make you a nice splashscreen advertising itself.
So in truth I also don't have Howard's Mix at all.
I also don't back up textures any more - otherwise I'd have a backup folder several times the size of my FS one.
If I don't like a particular texture element, there is so much out there, it's no trouble to replace.
In the end you notice it's all good, because you've stopped fiddling!
(sometimes not even then ;) )

My ultimate texture combo seems to be:
Flight Environment
Pablo's HDEv1 cumulus (which I prefer over v2)
Banabob's env.bmp
Various trees depending on where I am in the world.
The REX freeware grass texture

So hard to find a scenery which is not photo-real, I see most of my airports are.
And by the time you're into textured ground you're already at altitude.
Here's one with sky/cloud/water

I tired Howard's Mix and for the type of flying that I do (down low) the tex files from GW3 are probably the best going. I don't fly at 20,000 feet. I fly down low...either low and slow or low and fast. If I am flying an F-8, F-4, A-4...I am still down low...but going much faster than I do in my GA aircraft. I like seeing mountains and trees.

I tried Howard's textures when they first came out, and did not care for them. At least not on my system. The trees where small and cartoony looking. Maybe just my computer. I have found that after trying several ground texture addons, that Bill Lyons work and look the best. Again on my system. I found a photoreal grass texture and with some cfg mods, and I had GW3 ground textures looking very clear.
I tired Howard's Mix and for the type of flying that I do (down low) the tex files from GW3 are probably the best going. I don't fly at 20,000 feet. I fly down low...either low and slow or low and fast. If I am flying an F-8, F-4, A-4...I am still down low...but going much faster than I do in my GA aircraft. I like seeing mountains and trees.

You're right - your flying preference of the moment has a lot to do with "best" textures.
I haven't come across textures that work for all seasons altitudes and weathers, other than GE Pro.
Photoreal is my pick for flying 2,500-5,000 ft.
