HTAI Models Cessna Single-Engine Paintkit


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[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Hi all,

Would anyone have the Photoshop version of the above paint kit that they'd be willing to send me? It was a separate download
[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]for their [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Cessna Single-Engine Prop project (file name:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif] I apparently did not download it after I bought the project.

It is only available at AVSIM but the file has yet to be restored since the hack.

Thanks in advance!
I have all of them. Checking with Avsim for permission to reupload the four original files, as originally downloaded, since no one seems to be able to get a hold of Henry for his permission. They are not posted on his website like the paint kits for his other aircraft. They range in size from 13.7MB to 20.5MB, so are to large to email.

I would post them here if the library managers would allow it, but the files are not mine, I just downloaded them when they were available at Avsim, after I bought the Cessna package when first released.
Uploaded the damaged/missing file to Avsim this morning. Will be in the "new Files" list soon. All the other single engine Cessna payware set paint kits are good as they were in Avsim's library.

All Henry's paint sets for his freeware AI aircraft are available on his website, along with the models themselves. The Cessna payware set (33 single engine Cessna models) is still listed on his site with a credit card or Paypal link to purchase. One of the best $15 packs I've bought.