HU! D'A&Q Mig-19 refreshing project


Hello everyone,

I had always been looking for a Mig-19 with a VC, as I fly exclusively with it. One "farmer" had been done around 2004, pretty model but sadly no VC, I found another from D'Attomo and Quai, with a really basic VC and simple model. The 2 textures provided were definitely not fitting my taste, so I decided to paint a few liveries.

First trap, the model doesnt have reflectivity from alpha channel enabled, I would like to thank Mick for the help he gave me, turning the MDL into a reflective one. I reworked it a little to modify the speculiar gloss with MDLMAT.

Here is how it looked before :

How it looks now, with tweaked MDL and new metallic templates :

The improvement is significant, however the mapping is too simple and the size of the parts is small, difficult to get a sharp result and compete with
I also started to tweak the VC, using gauges from Joseph Cepek (mig21PF and many prototypes) note this is a first draft, I will be back at it and rework also VC textures.

if someone at SOH is interested to have it, I will contact D'Attomo and Quai to get the permission to upload.


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Additional repaints

CSLA Czechoslovak AF


Bulgaria VVS



J-6 Chinese PLAAF


More to come




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can't keep me away from a Mig, i'd deffinatly like to try this out, hope you get permission and the repaints are great.

cheers ian
Beautiful model and beautiful skins !... Very intesresting project... I'm waiting the continuation... !
I would love to have it! It fits right into my classic-era sim "FS1954: A Half-Century of Flight."

The MiG-19 has long been a favorite of mine, and for its time it was the best plane the MiG bureau developed. It never got the credit it deserved because it was so quickly overshadowed by the MiG-21 with its flashy Mach 2 cachet, but the -19 was probably a better all-around fighter. And that wing! Such a very high-aspect, very swept wing - in those pre- composites days, it was a tremendous challenge to build such a wing out of metal and not have it be uncontrollably aeroelastic.

The Chinese were smart - they produced the MiG-21 in great numbers for export, but produced the MiG-19 for their own air force.

BTW, I didn't really "help" make the model reflective. All I did was save and share some instructions that someone else posted here a few years ago, that I don't even understand myself. Alas, I lost the name of the person whose instructions I copied, so I can't offer proper credit.

But I digress. YES, I would love to have your enhanced model!

good evening everybody,

Thanks for your interest,

I still have one issue : turning a non reflective model into a reflective one with MDLC spoils the VC, making it reflective and without texture.

Mick kindly forward to me a tutorial with the explanation how to fix this issue, however, I'm unable to run Frhed :banghead:, the soft requested for the procedure under W8.

I enclosed the tutorial, if someone is able to run frhed, just PM me and I will send the MDL files.

Thanks a lot,




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Send me the model and 1 texture in a zip


I usually edit models to make CFS2 flyable in FSX-->possible if it is an MDL8

... I'm unable to run Frhed ... under W8...


Maybe you can run XVI32, attached here, in Win8. It's another freeware hex editor. The interface looks a bit different but it should do the same things, or so it would seem.

If you can run it, you can probably follow those instructions with it. I'm guessing here, but it would seem that what can be done with a hex editor should be possible with another. I hope so!
BTW, I didn't really "help" make the model reflective. All I did was save and share some instructions that someone else posted here a few years ago, that I don't even understand myself. Alas, I lost the name of the person whose instructions I copied, so I can't offer proper credit.

That would be my tutorial I did for Obio, he musta passed it on, or maybe I did, I think I did upload it once more when there was a 'wiki' section to the OH, but that was before the last crash I think and it was typed anew. It's the method I used to fix the props on the Catalina model, the VC rain was still a problem that I never sussed out, but with Shessi redoing it further investigation seemed futile.

Please feel free to share it as and when you please.

That would be my tutorial I did for Obio... Jamie
Thanks Jamie! :ernaehrung004:

Thanks for the tutorial, and thanks for letting me know you wrote it.

I never understood it, but kept it in case I might some day get into 3D modeling and then I'd understand it. Normally I always note where I got everything in case I have cause to pass it on, so I can give proper credit. I don't know how it happened that I didn't keep track of this item.

I still don't understand it and probably never will, but after doing nothing with it since you wrote it way back then, in recent weeks I have shared it with modelers three times, and we should all soon be enjoying the results of their use of it.

I have now made a note of its origin in case I have a chance to pass it along yet again.
good news


D'attomo and Quai just granted me permission to upload the tweaked mdl's along with my textures when the project will be finished.

I'm a bit busy the next 10/15 incoming days, I'll try to fix the Vc issue but still struggling with the procedure

Keep in touch !



This note to notify you that the VC issue is.............finally fixed ! yippeeee
(running XVI32)

It's pretty simple in fact. The most difficult part is to properly understand the way to proceed... JDTinballs you're a chief ! Without your tutorial, I would have been simply unable to fix my vc issue...

Still a few liveries to complete and it will be ready to be released !
